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University of Oklahoma Seeks Math Prof Versed in Equity and Social Justice

University of Oklahoma Seeks Math Prof Versed in Equity and Social Justice

“full-time, tenure-track position”

Leftist ideology is beginning to eclipse the importance of the subject being taught, as predicted.

Campus Reform reports:

OU wants to hire a ‘social justice’ math professor

The University of Oklahoma is seeking a mathematics education professor versed in “equity and social justice.”

The incumbent will teach within the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education, which according to the job posting, “aspires to become a diverse and inclusive community of learners who engage in transformative scholarship with and in communities to advance justice and promote human dignity.”

Beyond an understanding of “current theories” in mathematics education, the full-time, tenure-track position must be filled by an individual with “culturally responsive and sustaining mathematics pedagogy” and “mathematics for equity and social justice.”

Based on over 200 anonymously reported salaries, job platform Glassdoor predicts that the average assistant professor in the University of Oklahoma’s education department earns $83,000 per year.

Campus Reform has covered diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in mathematics programs and the STEM field.

In October 2020, the Mathematical Association of America alleged that math “inherently carries human biases” and stated that Critical Race Theory “is an established social science inquiry which is grounded in decades of scholarship.”


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Which is more important, their abilities as a Mathematics professor or their ability to virtue signal? Doesn’t this sound like disguised CRT?

nordic_prince | October 21, 2021 at 9:42 am

Math ED prof, not “math prof.” Bit of a difference there, like the difference between “lightning” and “lightning bug.”

Not to say that there aren’t a lot of math profs on the left side of the spectrum (sadly, there are), but I am still hopeful that even the majority of them would not have the stomach to be pushing woke crap in a complex analysis or topology class.

Every human is capable of understanding and using Mathematics. This has nothing to do with gender or race.

Unfortunately, for social or cultural reasons, some people do not achieve up to their potential. Rather than “dumb down” math expectations for K-12 or even university students, we should find better ways to motivate students to learn and be excited about Mathematics — to celebrate its purity and everyday relevance.

“Critical Race Theory is an established social science inquiry which is grounded in decades of scholarship.” What utter nonsense. More accurate to say that it is an exercise in bigotry and racism loosely disguised by a light coating of pretended scholarship.