Loudoun County Family of Girl Allegedly Sexually Assaulted in School Plans to Sue LCPS
“Making matters worse, the school system repeatedly failed to protect our daughter.”

Scott Smith accused the Loudoun School Board of covering up his daughter’s alleged sexual assault by a boy in the girl’s bathroom on May 28. Well, he accused them recently, but he tried in June at a school board meeting. The cops arrested him for disorderly conduct before he could let everyone know what his daughter said happened to her.
In the last few days, the Loudoun County Public Schools and the board have tried to cover their tracks. However, the second case of an alleged sexual assault in a girl’s bathroom at another school on October 8 raised even more red flags.
The sheriff’s office reported the October 8th incident. The school board insisted it did not know about the May 28 incident. Apparently, May 28 had “a different set of circumstances.”
The Loudoun County commonwealth’s attorney confirmed the same boy is the suspect in both cases.
The Smith family has now obtained legal counsel and plans to pursue a lawsuit against LCPS and the school board.
⚖️1) (thread) Breaking NEWS
The Stanley Law Group, PLLC
From the Desk Of:
William M. Stanley Jr., Esq.
Family of Loudoun County girl sexually assaulted at
Stone Bridge High School to pursue civil action
against Loudoun County Public Schools pic.twitter.com/rsYW7GnScf— Asra Q. Nomani 🐻Mama Bear “Domestic Terrorist” 🧸 (@AsraNomani) October 14, 2021
Attorneys for the family of the Stone Bridge High School student who was sexually assaulted in the girls’ restroom on May 28 by a boy claiming to be “gender fluid” today announced they will pursue legal actions against Loudoun County under the provisions of Title IX.
The Smith family has retained The Stanley Law Group of Virginia, which will also represent Mr. Smith against “wrongful and unconstitutional” charges filed against him in Circuit Court.
The Smiths also repeated their accusation against the schools and school board:
The facts are that a male student claiming to be “gender fluid” was permitted to enter the girls bathroom on May 28 and sexually assaulted our daughter. Making matters worse, the school system repeatedly failed to protect our daughter. Then, they concealed the sexual assault from the public while considering formalizing a bathroom access policy that would have – and now has – increased the likelihood of sexual assaults like these. as a result, our daughter and our family has suffered, and continue to suffer, from the very real consequences of a policy that endangers the safety of every student.

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Time to go scorched earth. Make it hurt.
Also, ruin that little rapist bastard’s life.
Hit them as hard as you can. Make them sorry they were ever interested in running for anything. Destroy their lives. We’re truly in a war now.
the shool board will feel no pain, an insurance company will pay
Not from the judicial system, Not financially. But they and their families should be sent to Coventry. One way ticket.
Subotai Bahadur
Unless they also sue the individual members in their professional capacity and personally. Depends on their insurance clauses as well. You’d be amazed how quick insurance companies fall back on exclusionary clauses.
Wouldn’t it be a crying shame if it were a life insurance company.
I see what you did there!
bury them in the discovery process, subpoena every school board members email and phone records for years, the school system email accounts and their personal accounts plus anything between the school system and the board, and law enforcement
Depose the sons of bitches, and give them enough anxiety to need to triple their blood pressure medicines. With Video!
I see many hurdles and obstacles to a successful law suite.
First will be his arrest and prosecution by the Louden County DA who will hold him on no bail pre-trial detention. Next will be the domestic terrorism charges levied by the Department of Justice, and his transfer to solitary confinement in Guantanamo Bay.
It’s hard to communicate with your attorney when you are in solitary confinement. Harder still when being water boarded.
Next, he will be shot trying to escape.
Yes, I see many obstacles.
I’m certain I’ll get barred for asking this, but was the perp by any chance a devotee of Islam?
I don’t think we have details. I am sure it is all over the social media of other students, if you are really devoted to finding out.
My guess would be no. In the first episode, it’s been published that he was wearing a skirt. Pretty sure Muslims don’t go in for that sort of thing.
They do go in for as much sexual deviancy as any other group, but they probably lie about it more.
A transgender? Doubtful, he’d have to throw himself off of a building.
Where can I get me some of that gender fluid?
Didn’t we refer to it as “tranny fluid” back in the day?
Take them to the cleaners!
He’s a minor, his punishment will be pathetic
VA requires juveniles to register with the sex offender registry. If the family pushes, and the kid’s convicted, that’s it.
Levin said yesterday that they should sue each person on the school board, the principle and the sheriff’s office that told the family to be quiet. The crime was not just moving the boy to another school to rape another girl. That family also should sue the $ out of them.
I’m not a lawyer, but it seems to be that the big money lawsuit will come from the family of the second victim. The alleged rapist had already committed a rape on school grounds, and the school district let him back without keeping an careful eye on him. Plus the school hushed up the first rape so that it couldn’t ramp up opposition to their transgender policies.
The treatment of the first girl and her family was bad enough, but their treatment of the second girl was worse because by that time he should have been a known risk.
While the school is covering up rape for political reasons,
I’d like to know why the family of the girl didn’t report this to the police? They thought the school would handle a rape?
Something is wrong with this all around.
Interesting observation. I will say, in my own youthful experience, I didn’t understand you needed to call the cops for things. I thought someone else would report things to them. Yes, youthful stupidity.
From my limited understanding, the school did call the cops on the day of the first rape. Whether they did so willingly or at the insistence of the victim’s father, I do not know. Approximately a month later (late June) the school was trying to pass their trans bathroom policy, and the superintendent stated that concerns about boys using access to girls restrooms to commit assault was a strawman and had never occurred in their district. When the father attempted to speak about this subject at the board meeting, his comments were ruled not germane to the issue and then he was provoked into putting his hands on a trans activist and immediately arrested by five-oh.
I don’t think they purely covered this up, more like they did the bare minimum to report it to police, and then gave the accused rapist every benefit of the doubt by giving him a fresh start in another school. When he (allegedly) committed another rape about a week ago, someone leaked it to the media. Supposedly the (alleged) rapist was scheduled for sentencing on the original charge from May earlier this week.
These are the facts as I understand them. Somebody please correct me if I mixed them up.
Which, if correct, means the family never called the police. Your daughter gets raped and you don’t call the police. Something is wrong with these people if that is correct.
Me. I’ll call the cops right after the rapist has stopped breathing.
Reportedly, there is a rape kit on file from the May assault. So the police were called. The rapist is due to be sentenced on a plea bargain on those charges any day now.
I don’t think it’s accurate to slag that family for not calling the police when the police were clearly called by someone.
Can you site an official report of a rape kit on file? I see zero evidence the family called the police. Perhaps they did, but in every single discussion it’s all on the school end. A police call or response is never mentioned. So, by all means, point me to anything you have that says different.
By the way, if the police were involved, for any reason, there has been zero evidence of that.
This would be a good assignment for Project Veritas to find a whistle blower.
I am curious about the victim’s father not being allowed to speak at the June meeting. The film I have seen is all from the time after he was de-platformed and focused on his arrest. If he was allowed to state into an open mike that his daughter was raped in May at the school by a supposed “transwoman”, I wonder why the sheriff was so eager to cuff him & stuff him. If he was cut off before he got to state that into an open mike, that makes me suspicious of the superintendent’s claim that the board knew nothing of the rape in June. If they didn’t know he was about to drop a bombshell on them, how did they know to prevent him from speaking.
Answer this question about his appearance at that June meeting, and that might move this from “fire them all” into “burn it down and salt the earth” strategies coming from his legal team.
Remember, he was a known violent trouble maker. When he went to the school and found out his daughter had been raped, and the school did not want to refer the incident to police, he became visibly upset and angry, and called the police. The school administration put out a press release saying the police were called on the account of the presence of an angry parent.
So, you see, like I said – a known trouble maker, and the board rightly kept an eye on him and positioned security close by should he demonstrate any sign of anger.
I can’t think of anything more justified. The off duty officers acting as security, in fact, should have used their nightsticks. And why doesn’t the school board have large dogs in the chamber? I hear dogs can be very calming.
Count it a blessing people like these are not simply jailed before they can cause any indignities for our elected officials. The public order needs order, and the public needs to get it good and hard.
So, put a sock in and obey, or else.
“When he went to the school and found out his daughter had been raped, and the school did not want to refer the incident to police, he became visibly upset and angry, and called the police.”
Brave, can you point me to this finding, that the father called the police to report the rape?
I find this:
“On May 28, 2021, an LCSO School Resource Officer was notified by Stone Bridge High School staff of a possible sexual assault. A thorough investigation and evidentiary analysis was conducted over the course of several weeks by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office Special Victims Unit.
Once the elements of a crime were determined, on July 8, 2021, a 14-year-old male was arrested in the case with two counts of forcible sodomy. ”
No where can I find anything about the family contacting the police, which doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. But trusting these schools to do anything right is foolish, which I gather the father now knows.
Typical excuse by the Loudoun school board when they’re trying to cover up their actions. I’d advise the family’s lawyer(s) to send notice to the Loudoun School board and each school board member reminding them that they must preserve all emails, communications, meeting notes, records of phone calls, text messages etc. etc. as possible evidence in any lawsuit they might file. Because I wouldn’t put it past them to have deleted or planning to delete incriminating evidence. Just my 2*cent;