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Fascism and Tyranny Week At Legal Insurrection

Fascism and Tyranny Week At Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Biden apparently thinks becoming a petty tyrant will distract from his Afghanistan stain.

It will.  But not in the way he hopes.

All tyrannical hands on deck.

The smell of Democrat fear and desperation in the morning.

Florida governor Ron DeSantis continues to stand against nonsensical, antiscience government mandates.

Battling CRT is exhausting, but it’s among the most important things any of us can do right now.

Cancel culture continues to flourish.

Election integrity is essential to the public trust, to a civil society, and to ensure that government retains both legitimacy and the consent of the governed.

A #2A win.

So much for “safe, legal, and rare.”

Trust in media continues to nose-dive.  I wonder why.

Fauci lied.  Again.

We are in a cold civil war against Woke Comms, yet the GOP seems to have already surrendered.

Never Forget.

Around the world.

Branco cartoon.


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“Not about freedom” The new DNC mantra.

They’re not about freedom.

Could somebody please tell me where law schools find their current crop of Constitutional Law professors? I ask because several have commented to the MSM that Biden’s mandate is indeed constitutional. Their arguments leave out quite a few annoying facts but hey.