Trump Doesn’t Rule Out 2024 as Polls Show GOP Voters Want Him to Have a ‘Major Role’ in Republican Party
Trump’s statement on McConnell and the GOP proves he’s not going anywhere. GOP voters just might get their wish.

According to two polls, President Donald Trump won’t go away if GOP voters have their way. He won’t rule out a 2024 run, either.
About 59% of GOP voters told Morning Consult and Politico they want Trump in a significant role in the Republican Party. However, 75% of GOP voters polled by Quinnipiac University said the same thing.
It’s a shame the polls took place before Trump tore apart Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP.
Trump 2024?
Trump told Newsmax’s Greg Kelly he won’t say anything about 2024 yet, but…:
“I won’t say yet, but we have tremendous support,” Trump told “Greg Kelly Reports.” “And I’m looking at poll numbers are through the roof.”
Trump joked to host Greg Kelly that even the Senate impeachment trial managed to boost his 2024 political cachet.
“I’m the only guy who gets impeached and my numbers go up,” Trump said. “Figure that one out.
“Let’s say somebody gets impeached, typically your numbers would go down. They would go down like a dead balloon.”
Trump was acquitted Saturday by the Senate for the second time in just over a year.
“The numbers are very good; they’re very high; I think they’re higher than they were before the election, and they were high at the election,” Trump marveled. “They like the job – we did a great job.”
Quinnipiac University Poll
From the press release (emphasis mine):
Two days after the U.S. Senate voted to acquit former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial, three-quarters of Republicans say, 75 – 21 percent, that they would like to see Trump play a prominent role in the Republican Party, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll of 1,056 adults released today. Overall, Americans say 60 – 34 percent that they do not want Trump to play a prominent role in the Republican Party. Democrats say 96 – 3 percent and independents say 61 – 32 percent they do not want to see Trump playing a prominent role in the GOP.
A majority of Americans, 55 – 43 percent, say Trump should not be allowed to hold elected office in the future. Republicans say 87 – 11 percent that Trump should be allowed to hold elected office in the future.
“He may be down, but he is certainly not out of favor with the GOP. Twice impeached, vilified by Democrats in the trial, and virtually silenced by social media… despite it all, Donald Trump keeps a solid foothold in the Republican Party,” said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy.
Between February 11 and 14, Quinnipiac asked people if they thought the Senate should convict Trump.
The answer came out partisan, but the independents were pretty close since 50% said yes and 44% said no. That helped tip the overall American results to only 51% to 44%.
Malloy said, “The history books may recount the Senate choosing not to deliver a lethal blow to Trump’s political career. But the second paragraph may well underscore the voting public’s willingness to let that happen.”
The question about Trump on January 6th came the closest to dividing the Republicans (emphasis mine):
Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans (68 percent) think that Donald Trump did not do everything he could to stop the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, while 25 percent say he did do everything he could to stop it.
Republicans say 56 – 34 percent that Trump did everything he could to stop the insurrection. Democrats say 94 – 6 percent and independents say 70 – 23 percent that he did not do everything he could to stop the insurrection.
“Did the former president drop the ball on controlling the insurrection? Most assuredly, say the majority of Americans, fresh off hearings that brought visual proof of the mayhem on January 6th,” added Malloy.
Morning Consult
From Morning Consult:
Compared with another survey conducted immediately after the Jan. 6 events, the share of GOP voters who said Trump should play a “major role” in the Republican Party has increased 18 percentage points, to 59 percent, continuing an upward trend that started before the Senate trial began. By comparison, just 17 percent said he should play no role at all, at odds with the expectations of some Republican officials, such as Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), that the trial would spell the end for Trump.
The base’s increased appetite for the former president’s continued presence on the political stage came as Republican voters became less likely to blame Trump for the events that led to the riot.
A month later, fewer GOP voters blame Trump for the riots on January 6th, 21% compared to 41%.
It’s important to note that the blame on the rioters went up in all three categories: all voters, Democrats, and Republicans.
Blame on Trump only went up 1% among all voters from 63% to 64%.
However, Trump’s impeachment trial did not change many minds about the House’s impeachment vote:
Fifty-eight percent of voters — including 52 percent of independents and nearly 1 in 5 Republicans — said they approve of Trump’s impeachment, roughly matching the share who said the same after the House’s Jan. 13 vote.
Additionally, 51 percent of voters, including 76 percent of Democrats and nearly half of independents, said they disapproved of the Senate’s acquittal of Trump. Seventy-nine percent of Republican voters approve of the Senate’s acquittal.
Republican senators who supported Trump’s conviction, such as retiring Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina and Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, who was just re-elected in November, have faced fierce criticism from their state parties for their votes, echoing the Wyoming Republican Party’s move to censure Republican Rep. Liz Cheney after she voted for Trump’s impeachment.
Amid Republican lawmakers’ attempts at distancing themselves from Trump and the general bad news for the Republican Party in recent weeks, the share of its voters who said the GOP is heading in the right direction has fallen 5 points since immediately after the Capitol riot, to 46 percent.
It looks like Trump is here to stay, or at least his ideas.
"Donald Trump is the most vibrant member of the Republican Party. The Trump movement is alive and well. People believe he brought change to Washington…" – @LindseyGrahamSC
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) February 14, 2021
.@GOPChairwoman on Trump's future in the GOP:
"We can’t continue to attack each other, and [Trump] led the way on that. And that’s where most voters in this country feel support should be..they continue to support him.”
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) February 16, 2021
Donald Trump was a threat to the Establishment in BOTH parties.
The Republican Party should still be the #AmericaFirst party.
— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) February 12, 2021

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Didn’t Clinton’s numbers also go up? And did Trump’s numbers also go up the first time?
“Typically”? How can there be a “typical case” for something that’s only happened four times, half of which were to him?
You’re such a tiresome dullard.
Milhouse is just being critical, which I can totally respect.
Occasionally I get the impression that “Milhouse” is actually Ragspierre’s nom de plume
Don’t believe the polls
Rush would be laughing at you and shaking his head
God. I.Miss.That. Man…
Trump has at least 80% of the party and 80% don’t think, rightly, he did anything wrong on Jan 6
Nikki Haley came begging today. Trump told her to F-off.
I’m heading up the Pac Never Nikki.
We don’t need a natural born Indian in the White House.
Trump only said out loud about McConnell what the genuine conservatives in the party have been saying amongst themselves since before Trump was elected. That’s why we love him — because he is the voice of we who would otherwise be voiceless in US politics.
Meanwhile, over at Neocon HQ, the comments section is frantically overflowing with Orange Man Badism.
We’d be much better of if he led us into a new nation.
Do you really think we can share a nation with these people?
Everyone should really read this. If Rush Limbaugh’s life was so cheap to them, imagine how cheap our deplorable lives are to them. First, the gun grab, then our lives.
Hollywood Celebrities Celebrate Rush Limbaugh Death: ‘Cancer Killed the Cancer’:
The Left are parasites. If we carved out a separate country the Left would leave us alone? They don’t respect borders now! The only way to deal with parasites is to restore the Constitution and legislate all forms of parasitism out of existence.
Sick people
Even sicker:
Youtube censored this interview.
I do not like Trump as a person but he has the values that we need in political leaders. I would rather have Trump in the Presidential chair than the zombie that was sworn in. We also have a lot of Republicans that need to be retired without a pension.
Oath of office. That needs to be enforced.
What’s wrong wth Trump “as a person”?
The number of times I wanted to tape his mouth shut and tie his hands behind his back can’t be easily numbered, but his *policies* were unquestionably good for the nation.
We agree, I think.
Give us some examples.
Vet them before you do.
I’ll take truths sometimes told ugly, over beautiful, focus-group approved lies anyday.
They forgot to poll the responsibility of the judiciary in the riots.
The poll showing that the Democrats are 90+% against DJT having a presence in the Republican party going forward, is a stark example of just how afraid of him they are. If he was as bad as they are saying, they wouldn’t give a tinker’s damn if he was in politics or not. But hey know different, and are petrified…
They know they’ll have to get 90 million fake votes next time.
That’s how afraid they are.
Of course Democrats are afraid of Trump he is a self serving demagogue who has torn the US apart. His exceptionally poor handling of coronavirus has killed a lot of people. So yeah makes sense that a large section of society doesn’t think much of him.
No doubt, he should have called upon the Governor of New York to show him how to handle a health crisis.
What’s that got to do with what I said? Cuomo has failed in a number of ways and he will likely be judged for that, like wise Trump has failed in some respects and he has been judged for that hence losing the election.
You forgot to put “election” in quotation marks.
Equine posterior.
Sorry not buying it, there is far to little evidence of election fraud to justify quotation marks.
Equine posterior – haha that’s a new one, made me chuckle
You are an idiot. Always have been, always will be.
A marxist enabler, likely an outright marxist, a slave to the CCP.
Big MAGA supporter here. I don’t think he should run again, but he can be kingmaker next time around. I and millions of his supporters would enthusiastically back his choice for 2024.
I hope that choice will be Ron DeSantis.
I agree that DeSantis would be an excellent choice. On the other hand, if in 2024 Trump has the will, health and energy, he’s my guy!
So you’re surrendering, aren’t you?
If Trump doesn’t run, we have no vaiable candidate, nor one we can trust.
Unfortunately, Trump is too damaged for the middle thanks to constant brainwashing.
I like the kingmaker idea.
What is viable about Trump winning he lost by 4.4% last time and seems to be determined to pretend he won instead of trying to improve his appeal.
Is that the percentage of brain you have left?? Asking for a friend.
Danny makes some good points, you however consistently insult other people. You don’t seem able to present a coherent argument, so if anything your comment seems to apply to you.
From this point forward I know I won’t vote for any Democrat, for any Libertarian, or for any establishment Republican. The GOPe is dead to me.
The emphasis is in the wrong place, note that in the polls cited 58% of voters approved of the house impeaching Trump, and a very clear majority blame him for the Jan 6th riot.
They also do not think the election was rigged by voter fraud.
A world where Trump remains the face of the party and where agreeing with everything he said and liking him is a litmus test is a world where Democrats keep all levers of power. I wish he had won re-election but the results are the results we lost by 4.4% that is worst than Romney did.
You can support fraud, if you like.
I support reality and in reality we lost, at this website the professor wrote an article about how your not alone instead of pretending the election was stolen.
What living outside of reality means is losing. I don’t like what the Democrats offer so I don’t like living outside of reality.
You are free to pretend we lost to fraud but that both gatekeeps us down to a minority of the country, and prevents us from chipping away at that 4.4% vote deficit we have to make up.
There are principles to stand on, pretending Trump won an election where he lost by 7 million votes total isn’t one of them.
when you deny a problem exists, you absolve yourself of the responsibility to correct said problem
Did voter fraud occur? Yes.
Did relaxed voter/election integrity procedures assist in delivering a Biden win. Yes
Both of those are true and not mutually exclusive.
IMO, what we should be spending time, money and energy on is correcting the voter/election/ballot integrity issues. That is an achievable goal. Eliminating fraud? Not so much.
My point is this: we should be working to make it more difficult to commit or allow fraud. If the election code calls for the presence of elections monitors during all ballot handling, verification and tabulation then make sure that is either mandatory or make sure the r or other 3rd party is sending someone reliable to do so.
Volunteer to become an election monitor. Work to pressure your State Legislature to adopt strict guidelines within the election code. Then work to make them follow through on enforcing the election code.
Work to figure out if your local County voter registration rolls are being properly maintained. Does the list trim out the dead? What mechanism, if any, exists to remove folks who move out of the County or the State? Does the State work cooperatively with other States to compare voter registration lists? If not why not?
People are going to try to cheat, nothing can stop the attempt. The real goal is to make it much more difficult to succeed in that attempt.
This will require folks being willing to do some heavy lifting in their own County and State. If you are waiting on or expecting someone else to do that heavy lifting for you then you are not going to get the change you desire.
We can all piss and moan about 2020 till forever. That doesn’t make any progress going forward in preventing another case of an election with at best, questionable outcomes and at worst stolen in plain sight because in some States and Counties, the monitors went home or didn’t bother to show up.
Yes we have a problem that problem is we don’t have a large enough share of the vote to win elections.
We could either deny that problem and pretend we lost because of voter fraud or win in the future.
The Trump won 2020 fairytale is an expensive one that has already cost us the senate, will cost us 2022 midterms and 2024 presidency if it continues.
Commochief: “Volunteer to become an election monitor.”
That’s an excellent idea, but I’m sure you’ve noticed that the vast majority of people who volunteer for this are elderly and susceptible to bullying and coercion. That’s why they allowed themselves to be thrown out of the counting rooms. Younger people need to find a way to step forward and insist on their right to do their job.
‘Younger people… need to volunteer’. That’s correct but more than that.
Election Judges are usually supposed to be a ‘neutral party’.
The election monitors are sent/sponsored by a political party to:
1. Monitor and view the process
2. Make objections to questionable ballots or processes
The local County r party must be able to send folks who are ‘willing to make a scene’. These folks in turn must be backed up with Attorneys versed in election law and procedures.
The old way where ‘Widow Jones’ or ‘retiree Frank’ are the ones sent is outmoded at best. It takes folks who are.willing to expose themselves to confrontation and intimidation because that’s what they will encounter if they are doing their job.
That’s tough in a small community long term, these folks have to live there. It’s equally tough in a metro area where the short-term stakes are potentially higher in terms of vitriol and potential violence.
That is what it takes to make sure the rules are followed.
“…and in reality we lost…”
“we” did not lose, we were cheated. And you are not part of “we”, you are clearly on the other side.
Yes everyone who voted straight ticket Republican and realizes we lost is actually a Democrat.
But with your standards why do you read this leftist rag surely you would be more comfortable on a website that didn’t publish “You are not alone you have 70 million friends” about how we lost and need to move on and fight the next battle.
On planet Earth we lost.
You are full of horseshit, to be mild about it. You might have voted a straight ticket, perhaps several of them, but it wasn’t for republicans.
Only morons can’t figure out the election was stolen. Only morons can’t figure out there was a reason they stopped counting at certain locations, all required to defeat trump, and when they restarted, the vote went overwhelmingly for a man that couldn’t draw flies to his dead body. The vote in all the other dem strongholds was nowhere near the amount that came in after the voting was held up.
Oh, and the voting restarted behind close doors.
Yea sure buffoon, pull the other one.
Does the CCP pay by the word, sentence, or comment?
“Vilified by Democrats” and “virtually silenced by social media.” High praise. Americans should note that he wasn’t “virtually silenced by social media,” operators in the social media control room turned off the switches, an entirely different thing; If you think they won’t do here what they did in Australia, you’re kidding yourself. It’s time for another Carter Phone case.
I hope he stays front and center and does the big rallies again. Whether he runs again is something he can decide. He may have more fun campaigning rather than being in office surrounded by enemies again.
The entire Democrats Propaganda Ministry tells lies long enough some people will believe them.
This one doesn’t, MAGA lives.
You can see why the political establishment is so afraid of Trump, he really did upset the apple cart by actually delivering on his promises.
And to the left, you just cant have someone making promises and then actually keeping them! It sets a really bad example for everyone else who follows afterwards!
He did deliver some promises its true, but the same can be said of Obama and previous administrations. You seem to characterise others in black and white terms; that’s just not the case. Its rare for a leader to deliver all there promises in a democracy so it would be unfair to say Trump failed if he didn’t deliver on some promises. Personally i wasn’t impressed by Trump at all but that’s a personal thing. For me the key ‘failures’ were in part differences in politics and in part a dislike for his conspiracy theory BS and also in part his clear lies when it came to draining the swamp. The man is totally corrupt you can see that from the pardons he carried out.
More idiocy from a marxist supporter. You blather on spewing bullshit.
Must really suck to be you.
Will you stop calling any Republican who disagrees with you a Marxist to start, then continue to stopping calling Democrats who disagree with you Marxists as well?
Not liking Trump makes you a marxist?
Somehow I doubt that Karl Marx’ philosophy has anything to do with a man who wasn’t born in the century Marx lived in.
You are just a CCP supporter, obvious to anyone with an IG above 50.
I’m not voting for another Republican, ever. I don’t care who it is. If Trump is foolish enough to have anything to do with the Republicans after their betrayal, then he’s lost my support.
It’s been pointed out that it would be preferable to rid the GOP of the never trumpers than to create a three party system
There is no never Trump wing of the Republican Party, the Republican Party backed Trump all the way and passed every piece of legislation he asked for.
Then you support amnesty, illegal immigration, increase in legal immigration, unlimited free trade, WHO membership, critical race theory rammed down our throats by the federal government and a vast host of other issues.
It’s funny how people know that these polls are just crap, but still want to quote them when they like the results.
Does that apply to the part of the polls you like about Trump with other Republicans or only the inconvenient parts about Trump with the general public?
Trump lost by 4.4% of the vote so dismiss evidence he isn’t riding a wave of popularity with great caution.
And yet I didn’t dismiss anything, nor did I exempt myself with my comment.
Sorry I misunderstood you then.
The usual concern trolls are concerned, I see.
Concern troll being drednicolson’s definition of a Republican who agrees on actual issues, but unlike drednicolson isn’t pretending Biden lost, knows that the reason Biden won was he got 7 million more votes than Trump, and that conspiracy theories will not give us either the house or the presidency.
Trump popularity is deep underwater. Rejecting election results and protesting peaceful transfer of power apparently doesn’t increase appeal.
Not a single one of them legitimate. In any case Biden’s actual margin of “victory” was far, far less than that.
I wonder how Trump proposes to exceed the margin of election fraud. The Democrats didn’t need HR1 this time around, and if it passes it makes the necessary election fraud even easier. Not that it matters even if Trump did win, because HR1 also means that the Republicans in Congress will be slaughtered in the 2022 and 2024 elections.
The margin of election fraud is 0, it cost him nothing this time around and had no impact.
Keep pretending we didn’t lose 2020 and we will lose 2022 and 2024 as well.
In politics fairytales are expensive.
I can’t tell if this is delusional or the usual lies we get from progressive operatives like mark311.
Clearly “Danny” is a marxist from the other side, a paid one. They earn minimum wage as that’s all the intellect they can muster.