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Running for Political Office Week in Higher Education

Running for Political Office Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

A handful of people from the world of higher education have decided to join the world of politics.

The Democrats are mobilizing volunteers in a must-win state.

The race for campaign funding seems a little lopsided.

Meanwhile on campus, it’s business as usual.

News from the faculty lounge.

Crime blotter.

That’s just crazy talk.


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Close The Fed | January 25, 2020 at 2:48 pm

Interesting the professors are running. I wish an L. I. writer or commented or reader would run. Until the uniparty is replaced, our woes will continue to multiply.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Close The Fed. | January 25, 2020 at 6:54 pm

    I’ve thought of running but my being a “confirmed bachelor” shuts me out because no Conservative party could see beyond that. I’m not militant about it, but as they say, the internet is forever and that works be that.

      Close The Fed in reply to The Friendly Grizzly. | January 25, 2020 at 8:55 pm

      I think you’re unnecessarily limiting yourself.

      In some races you’d be better off running as a dem, have a better chance.

      Use the tactics of the Justice Democrats a/k/a chakrabarti and cenk what’s his name.