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“Colleges are Bad for America” Week at College Insurrection

“Colleges are Bad for America” Week at College Insurrection

All the campus news you may have missed

As campus craziness seeps off campus, recent studies show that higher education is taking a beating in terms of reputation.

I wonder if things like this are contributing to these findings.

“Diversity” seems to be eclipsing actual learning

“Diversity” does not include conservatives. Of course.

Protecting college students from bad thoughts is still all the rage

But maybe free speech on campus isn’t a lost cause?


Open borders advocates are busy bees on campus

News from Oberlin


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I became an aerospace engineer without a college degree.

You just have to want to do experiments and learn stuff.

tommy mc donnell | August 25, 2019 at 12:43 am

do you think the parents of today’s students will ever ask how their children have the highest grades in the history of American education but have the lowest test scores? or will they continue to pay exorbitant prices for their children to be honor role students that don’t know anything. how long can a country be successful with an educational system like this?