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Joe Biden to Run on Obamacare, Repeats Lie About Keeping Your Plan

Joe Biden to Run on Obamacare, Repeats Lie About Keeping Your Plan

“if you like your health care plan … you can keep it.”

While speaking at forum for AARP in Iowa this weekend, Joe Biden revealed his plan for healthcare, which would be based on Obamacare. At one point, he told the crowd with a straight face, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.”

Biden actually repeated the Obama line Politifact declared the “Lie of the Year” in 2013.

Dan Diamond of Politico describes Biden’s plan:

Biden unveils health care plan: Affordable Care Act 2.0

Democratic front-runner Joe Biden on Monday unveiled a health plan that’s intended to preserve the most popular parts of Obamacare — from Medicaid expansion to protections for patients with preexisting conditions — and build on them with a new government-run public insurance option.

Biden would also empower Medicare to directly negotiate drug prices, allow the importation of prescription drugs from abroad and extend tax credits to help tens of millions of Americans buy lower-priced health insurance.

The plan — which the campaign says will cost $750 billion over a decade, to be paid for by reversing some of the Trump administration’s tax cuts — is less transformative than the “Medicare for All” proposal advanced by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and supported by some other Democrats, which would effectively do away with private insurance and shift all Americans to government-run health coverage.

“I understand the appeal of Medicare for All,” Biden said in a video posted Monday morning. “But folks supporting it should be clear that it means getting rid of Obamacare. And I’m not for that.”

The fact that Biden could use Obama’s famous lie without getting booed off the stage is stunning.

David Rutz reports at the Washington Free Beacon:

Biden: If You Like Your Health Care Plan, You Can Keep It

Former Vice President Joe Biden repeated one of his old boss’s most infamous pledges on Monday, saying under his proposal, “if you like your health care plan … you can keep it.”

The 2020 Democratic frontrunner released a health care plan Monday that would seek to build upon the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, which included subsidies to lower prices on the exchanges and also allowing for a “public option” his campaign called similar to Medicare.

“I give people the option. If you like your health care plan, your employer-based plan, you can keep it,” Biden told an audience at an AARP-sponsored forum. “If in fact you have private insurance, you can keep it.”…

His use of the phrase “you can keep it” created a stir, given how much it hurt President Barack Obama politically.

Here’s the video:

Someone should ask Joe if his plan is also going to save middle class families $2,500 a year.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Do you really need anymore proof that Biden is not in this to win? He’s the Democrat equivalent of Bob Dole for the GOP in 1996.

    Do you need any more evidence that Joe Biden has signs of dementia? Seriously, how do you repeat that line like this while running for President?

      aka Hoss in reply to EBL. | July 17, 2019 at 9:09 am

      Joe is so used to cribbing everyone else’s work that he’s even stealing lines from Obama now. What a moron.

It’s like he wants to lose the nomination.
Does he run any of his thoughts by his crack staff of campaign gurus before he speaks?

    JusticeDelivered in reply to HamiltonNJ. | July 16, 2019 at 8:11 pm

    Does Trump, no and I am glad. I appreciate people who are forthright. It is so refreshing having someone in politics who keeps their promises, who actually calls out idiots. We should not be protecting feelings of the likes of Omar & AOC.

HamiltonNJ – Clearly it’s a staff of campaign dumb-dumbs on crack.

I understand that plagiarism is his signature move, but he really should find a better source.

Biden is trying to fool everyone with his amazing technicolor dream coat. Comes off as a motley fool.

What’s frightening is that he still comes off as the most sane of the dems running!

Can’t wait for someone to ask him: “I liked the plan I had before — can I get that back?”

Biden is sadly reminiscent of a professional athlete who reached the pinnacle of his sport, but is now well past his prime and just doesn’t know when to quit. Sort of painful to watch.

When you have long/short term memory loss, everyone must be afflicted with it. Keep it up, Joe!

texansamurai | July 16, 2019 at 11:19 am

so sloppy joe is the front runner?–then you have the affirmative action trio (booker,warren,harris)and, further back, the herd of also-rans–and these people represent the democrat’s alternative to trump?–biden is like some 33 1/3 record stuck on the first track–over and over the same bs

even pathological liars and grifters should have the self-awareness to know when it’s time to quit

The illness has been diagnosed. Obamacare is either an opportunistic disease or a symptom. The antigen is progressive prices exacerbated by an immune system compromised by catastrophic anthropogenic choices.

The GOP just needs to keep all these recordings and play them back to the electorate during the general. Echoing Obama’s biggest “Lie of the Year” is a huge mistake on Biden’s part. Trump will hang him with it.

PersonofInterests | July 17, 2019 at 9:13 am

“Fool me once and shame on you.” There is going to be a second chance and this guy has to be a moron to even consider this.

It just goes to show how completely clueless and without a plan or any idea to improve on what we now have ALL OF THE DMETARDS ARE IN GIVING VOTERS A REASON TO ELECT THEM.