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VIDEO: Cartoonist A.F. Branco teaches How to Draw Obama and Hillary

VIDEO: Cartoonist A.F. Branco teaches How to Draw Obama and Hillary

You can tell who they are before much ink has been spilled.

montage by waj okay to use

You too can draw cartoons like Tony Branco!

Okay, maybe not, but Tony kindly has posted videos showing “how to” draw Obama and Hillary.

First, The One.

What I love about this is you can tell it’s Obama from the start, even before there is much ink spilled.

Here are examples of some “real life” Obama cartoons by Tony:

Here’s the video, in case you want to try this at home:

Second, Crooked Hillary.

I learned from the video that the eyebrows are the key.

But I think all you need is the shape of the hair:

Here are some “real life” cartoons of Hillary:

Here’s the video. Definitely don’t try this at home.

Thank you Tony for this glimpse behind the scenes.

Readers, you can buy Tony’s book, “Make America Laugh Again,” here.


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Now that Tony isn’t the only big shot on LI, he’s upping his game and taking it to another level. Your move Professor.

So HRC starts out as an egg head.. and BO as udder eyes.


Ty Mr. B… interesting peek.. Now, howz bout a self portrait?

A.F. – What is the name of your musical piece for the Obama video? I really like it. It sounds like it may be Baroque (Handel perhaps?) but I can’t be sure.

How interesting!

The only downside of the video was looking at those 2 treasonous faces he was drawing.