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Iran Advances Nuclear Program, Boasts About Its Increased Military Power

Iran Advances Nuclear Program, Boasts About Its Increased Military Power

In light of findings that Iran may be in violation of nuclear deal, Iran announces new more advanced centrifuges

Commemorating Iran’s National Nuclear Day, President Hassan Rouhani announced that the Islamic Republic would soon make advanced centrifuges operational, the Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday.

Rouhani, according to the report, which was based on a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), not only announced the installation of 20 IR-6 centrifuges but seemingly threatened, “If yesterday you feared our IR-1 centrifuges—well, here you go!” He also boasted that during the past year “we have acquired missiles and weapons that you could not have imagined.”

An IR-6 centrifuge is more advanced than an IR-1, which are currently installed, so it can enrich uranium faster. Iran is allowed a limited number of these advanced centrifuges during the first eight and a half years of the nuclear deal. However, the faster Iran can enrich uranium, the faster it can create sufficient fissile material for a nuclear weapon, thus reducing its breakout time even further.

Nonetheless, the belligerent nature of the announcement is disturbing, coming, as it does, after studies of the nuclear archive Israel recovered last year that indicated Iran’s nuclear weapons program is more advanced than previously thought.

“There is considerable information in the archive that shows that Iran deceived the IAEA and the international community about its nuclear weapons activities throughout the 2000s and provided incomplete and misleading declarations,” a paper co-authored by David Albright and Andrea Stricker of the Institute for Science and International Security, and Olli Heinonen of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies asserted in February. “There are actually ‘deception folders’ in the archive that catalogue Iran’s lies to inspectors, to enable it to be consistent from meeting to meeting.”

The contents of the archive, according to the paper, show that “Iran will be well positioned to make nuclear weapons at a time of its choosing once the nuclear deal limitations end, and could also make them much more quickly than the world previously assessed.”

Despite President Obama’s promises that the deal would ensure that Iran would never acquire nuclear weapons, the terms of the agreement only delayed Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear weapon. Iran’s continued advances and the International Atomic Energy Agency’s ineffectiveness in overseeing all aspects of Iran’s nuclear program mean that once the deal expires, Iran could reach their goal even faster.

In addition to boasting about the new IR-6 centrifuges, Rouhani promised that Iran would soon have even more advanced IR-8 centrifuges enriching uranium, saying, “If you persevere in your injustice and wrongdoing, you will also see a chain of IR-8 centrifuges in the not-so-distant future. You cannot prevent the scientific progress of the Iranian people. If the purpose of your sanctions was to diminish Iran’s military power, know that in the past year—as you are fully aware—we have acquired missiles and weapons that you could not have imagined.”

The boastful belligerence from Rouhani, who is often called a “moderate,” accompanying the announced advances in Iran’s ability to enrich uranium, raise real questions as to how “peaceful,” the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program is.

[Photo: MEMRI TV Videos / YouTube ]


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Meanwhile the economy is in free fall as the Revolutionary Guard owns 50% of the industrial production but manages the same as well as Venezuelan bus drivers.

JusticeDelivered | April 13, 2019 at 2:20 pm

I repeat my suggestion that we should destroy all of Iran’s 40+ water reservoirs and hydroelectric dams. That would put Iran in a world of hurt. We should also consider either destroying their known nuclear facilities or optionally make those areas so radioactive that they could not access them.

I am not interested in those poor Iranian people, in that if they cannot or will not take action to stop their rogue government, then we should whatever it takes to neutralize that government, regardless of collateral damage.

While we are at it, Obama should sent to help them cope.

Despite President Obama’s promises that the deal would ensure that Iran would never acquire nuclear weapons, the terms of the agreement only delayed Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear weapon.

Since Iran is known to have a deception program, there is no way that any agreement could limit anything. “Deception” means that they’re ignoring limits, whatever they might be.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to tom_swift. | April 13, 2019 at 3:30 pm

    Obama always lies.

      So why does anybody else repeat this rubbish? Progress of the Iranian nuke program has nothing at all to do with any “agreements” or treaties. Statements such as “Iran will be well positioned to make nuclear weapons at a time of its choosing once the nuclear deal limitations end” are deceptive, since Iran is “well positioned” to do this right now.

      No treaty has anything to do with it.

      Obama is a traitor. Of course he’s a lying swine. Unless you hate America and freedom.

      What an even worse piece of trash that waste of life that fraud turned out to be.

It shouldn’t be that old men like me send young men to fight. If I could do another twenty years, I would do another twenty. I may not be able to fight the fight but I can lead the fight. And I would lead the Iranians free form this tyranny.

My hips say no.

I did just do another twenty three pushups.

The other day I was scared. I only did twenty two. Maybe by September fifty.

Persian Meels.

I like the strength training exercise of zurkineh.

Now you’re probably wondering why I can only do twenty three pushups. I used to do hundreds.

I’m old That’s why.

They might get one missile off before their world ended in a bright flash.

Nimitz. Eisenhower. Our Germans were better than there Germans. Basilone. Our Italians were better than their Italians. Our Japanese are better then their Japanese. The Nisei. Because we are all American.

I am so culturally appropriating everything.

Is this a surprise?

Look, the Mullahs are content to sit at home and enjoy the perks of their position. But, they have to deal with the ideological monster that they created, the IRGC. The Syrian civil war, maintained and expanded by the US, was a godsend for them. Because of the internal pressure on Assad, Iran was able to move a significant amount of the IRGC into Syria, where it could threaten Israel. Foreign adventurism has long been used to reduce internal threats to the rulers of a nation by exporting those threats. And those threats only become a problem if they come home. Well, due to the recent US declaration of the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, the Mullahs have had to recall the IRGC forces in Syria to Iran, or risk having to go to war with Israel, a nuclear armed nation. That would trigger international armed action which the Mullahs would not survive. This creates a problem for the Mullahs. In order to maintain some control over the IRGC, they have to appear strong and dedicated to using force of arms. So they make threats of being on the verge of acquiring the big gun, nuclear armaments. Hopefully to forestall armed action by the IRGC.

Do the Mullahs actually want to possess a viable nuclear device? Who knows. On the one hand, it would increase their international prestige, in the same way that a street gang’s prestige is heightened by arming themselves with Uzis. On the other hand, they have to worry about the ideologues of the IRGC gaining control of such weapons. Iran has been running a nuclear weapons program for the last 35 years [since at least 1984]. Even with the roadblocks thrown up by Israel and the international community, does anyone really believe that, with all the knowledge, technology and enriched uranium floating around, that Iran could not have constructed, or obtained, at least one fission weapon in that time? All Iran needs to become a nuclear power is a single operational nuclear weapon. They do not need an ongoing nuclear arms program.

Of course, once you have such a weapon, there is the danger that it might accidentally go off, or, one of your neighbors delivers one of theirs to a spot near where you store yours, such that it then appears that yours accidentally went off. I think Iran needs to take some lessons in how to not be seen.

Major, there is no danger. I have all kinds of weapons. None of them go of by accident. My pistol will die by rust before I kill with it. Unless I am forced to.