Journalist Andy Ngo Documents Many Hoaxes Amplified by Democrats, MSM

In light of the Jussie Smollett alleged hate crime hoax in Chicago, journalist Andy Ngo took to Twitter to remind the rest of the journalism world just how many of these hoaxes have occurred since President Donald Trump took office.

Professor Jacobson wrote about how the media has resorted to using the same script against MAGA as they did to the Tea Party back in 2008. No matter the facts, one just has to scream TRUMP or MAGA and the media jumps all over it. When facts come out, the media either doubles down or tries to find a way to spin it to push their narrative that everyone on the right is a racist.

The stories that Ngo tweeted about disappeared into the background once the truth came out. If it does match the narrative the MSM wants to portray, they simply bury it on the back pages.

You can also check out Ngo’s thread of reactions from the left and media over Smollett’s alleged hate crime hoax, which proves that they don’t care about facts. It’s all about the narrative, baby.

Here are the stories Ngo documented on Twitter:

Tags: Hoaxes, Jussie Smollett, Media, Social Media, Twitter