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Sorry, Democrats: Voters Want Strong Borders and Don’t Think a Wall is ‘Immoral’

Sorry, Democrats: Voters Want Strong Borders and Don’t Think a Wall is ‘Immoral’

When politics runs afoul of public opinion

According to recent polling conducted by Rasmussen, Democrats are on the wrong side of Trump’s big, beautiful wall argument.

“53% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is better for the United States to tightly control who comes into the country,” says Rasmussen.

Most voters continue to favor strongly controlled borders and reject House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s charge that it is immoral for the United States to build a border wall.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is better for the United States to tightly control who comes into the country. Thirty-nine percent (39%) disagree and say it is better to open our borders to anyone who wants to come here as long as they are not a terrorist or a criminal.

The survey was conducted over the weekend, gauging reaction to the current demagoguery.


Just because likely voters disagree with Democrats on the wall doesn’t mean Republican lawmakers are in the clear.

Yet another Rasmussen poll released Monday found that a whopping 53% of likely Republican voters think Republicans in Congress have lost touch with GOP voters.


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prob is many equate a strong secured border as anti-immigrant.
the 2 are not the same.
I’ve helped immigrants by testifying to their character (and desire (as well as ability) to hold a job. I did what I could to help make sure a person and her son (son joined military) who were married to someone who would not lie for them were accurately represented in witness testimonies.

a strong and nation building/strengthening immigration policy is a good thing.

an open/porous/unsecured border (on ANY side of the country) is the antithesis to that.


What a crappy poll…!!!

    Alt-left open borders fanboi. Are you black bloc?

      Ragspierre in reply to Tiki. | January 14, 2019 at 7:53 pm

      Since I’m NONE of those things…in fact, the opposite…I decuce you are a lying maggot.

      It’s a crappy poll on its face. If anyone is idiot enough not to see that immediately, they are deep in their idiocy.

      “Do you like eggs cooked to vulcanized rubber, or…

      do you insist on eating eggs raw”?

Is it immoral to attempt turn the United States into a Global Welfare State? Is it immoral to do so as a means of solidifying ones political power?

Of course it’s just another poll and the polls are rubbish. Nevertheless I found this slightly interesting—

Thirty-nine percent (39%) disagree and say it is better to open our borders to anyone who wants to come here as long as they are not a terrorist or a criminal.

This sounds like a concession that somebody should be determining that these “anyones” are indeed not terrorists of criminals. So the border would not be open, in the sense that just anyone could stroll across anywhere, anytime, at his convenience.

    Another Voice in reply to tom_swift. | January 15, 2019 at 2:07 pm

    I also read the Washington Post’s article on “their unbiased” survey conducted for them by the U of Maryland with their questions and reading from scripts of “situations posed from point of view positions” for which attributes to the responses. From the responses they crunched this survey to focus on the immigration process and a path towards legal entry with minimal emphasis on the contribution of a wall in controlling our borders and allowing due process immigration. Responses were high for using a legal process and e-verify for a path to become part of our work force and potential citizenship. What was not emphasized was questions on how to regulate the best out comes for achievement.

    Realistically for the best outcomes it is undoable until a wall is built and points of entry are expanded for control of the border which would minimize the number of patrols required to secure the remaining parts of the desolate and treacherous border.

“Thirty-nine percent (39%) disagree and say it is better to open our borders to anyone who wants to come here as long as they are not a terrorist or a criminal.”

Just how do these people propose to screen-out these “terrorists” and “criminals”? We need to control our borders, we need a wal.

    Edward in reply to Terry T. | January 16, 2019 at 9:02 am

    People giving this type of answer never give a nanosecond’s thought to that obviously overlooked part of their answer

I have a locking gate at the end of my driveway, cost me $11K 10 years ago. It was a good investment, and anything but immoral.

JusticeDelivered | January 15, 2019 at 11:49 am

Regardless of how they vote, allowing highly reproductive invaders to use anchor babies to ultimately take control of our country is immoral.

Antifundamentalist | January 15, 2019 at 1:19 pm

All of these people calling border security immoral – I wonder how many of them lock their front doors at night? No difference other than scale.