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U. Wisconsin-La Crosse Student Paper Seeks ‘Social Justice Reporter’

U. Wisconsin-La Crosse Student Paper Seeks ‘Social Justice Reporter’

“Its opinion section, however, is reliably left-leaning”

This would be perfect experience for anyone who aspires to a career at CNN or MSNBC.

Campus Reform reports:

School newspaper hiring ‘social justice’ reporter

The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse student newspaper is looking to hire a reporter whose sole responsibility will be to cover stories related to “diversity, inclusion, and social justice.”

Earlier this month, The Racquet posted a solicitation seeking to fill two positions for the 2018-2019 school year: a “General Assignment Reporter” and a “Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Reporter.”

Both reporters will be expected to complete weekly story assignments, and are expected to conduct background research, identify and contact sources, and provide at least one photo.

According to the paper’s website, reporters earn $24 per week, plus an additional $12 per article, and may also request internship credit for the experience.

The Racquet, which bills itself as “the official campus newspaper of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse since 1910,” purports to “honor” its role as an opinion leader by “publicizing a diverse range of informed opinions.”

Its opinion section, however, is reliably left-leaning, featuring op-eds endorsing net neutrality, food stamps, “multicultural literature,” a “sex-positive” approach to grade school sex education, and more—many of which are posted under the bylines of staff reporters.

One April op-ed, for example, claims that Donald Trump’s tendency to dismiss media reports as “fake news” is “clearly the President of the United States attempting to dismantle the purpose of a Free Press.” While the author acknowledges that previous presidents, including Thomas Jefferson, have also been sharply critical of the press, she concludes that “this fact does not lessen the concern we all should have about Trump’s tweets, especially those protected by the First Amendment.”


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