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September 2016

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced on Facebook that he will indeed vote for GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump in November.

Judge James Boasberg announced on Friday that the State Department doesn't have to release all emails contained in the latest batch of Hillary Clinton's emails until after Election Day. He originally gave them a September 23 deadline, but acknowledged today that the department "was struggling to manage the burden of dozens of lawsuits and thousands of requests for records from Mrs. Clinton’s time in office." This batch includes the 15,000 emails the State Department miraculously found after the FBI finished its investigation into Hillary's private email server. Officials originally said the disc contained 30 emails on Benghazi, but let everyone down when they only found one.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) revealed that the FBI gave Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills immunity as they investigated her private email server.  This kind of news explains why the FBI recommended the DOJ not prosecute Hillary despite overwhelming evidence:
"No wonder they couldn't prosecute a case," Chaffetz said. "They were handing out immunity deals like candy."

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has issued a subpoena to receive disgraced politician Anthony Weiner's cell phone records after a report surfaced that he sexted with a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. The FBI, NYPD, and U.S. Attorney Jill Westmoreland in North Carolina have also started an investigation into the allegations. The 15-year-old girl sent The Daily Mail screenshots of their interactions, including rape fantasies and dressing her in school girl outfits. He knew her age, too.

If you wish to work in the (ahem) growing field of Marijuana cultivation and distribution, you'll be happy to know there's a university where you can learn every angle of the trade. Oaksterdam University in Oakland, California offers a full range of Cannabis related studies. NBC4 reports:
Oakland University offers marijuana education With California voters getting ready to decide whether or not to allow adults to use marijuana recreationally, would-be entrepreneurs are looking to possibly cash in on what some consider to be the state’s next gold rush.

Mika Brzezinski used an unfortunate metaphor on today's Morning Joe to describe Hillary and Trump's different approaches to preparing for Monday's first presidential debate. Said Mika: "you think of like the two law students preparing for the bar. The guy is polishing his car to calm down. And the girl is studying up to the last minute." Mika is apparently unaware that Hillary flunked the DC bar exam after graduating from Yale law school in 1973. 67% of the people taking the exam at the same time passed, putting Hillary in the bottom third. Maybe instead of studying, she was too busy . . . polishing Bill's car.

As the hot news of the potential use by ISIS of a chemical warfare agent against our troops in Iraq continue to stream out, our military personnel will take cold comfort in latest order inked from their Commander-in-Chief's mighty pen. President Obama has just issued a new policy directive demanding that national major security agencies and the military consider climate change when developing policies, plans, strategies, and programs.
Today, President Obama signed a Presidential Memorandum on Climate Change and National Security, establishing a policy that the impacts of climate change must be considered in the development of national security-related doctrine, policies, and plans," the White House said. "To achieve this, 20 federal agencies and offices with climate science, intelligence analysis, and national security policy development missions and responsibilities will collaborate to ensure the best information on climate impacts is available to strengthen our national security." White House special assistant to the president, Alice Hill, told reporters that the presidential memo will "prioritize climate threats" to identify the most significant risks to the nation's security and drive full consideration of climate change effects into national security plans and policies.

Hillary is having trouble shoring up the millennial vote. In what appears to be an effort to reach a younger demographic, Hillary joined Zach Galifinakis on 'Between Two Ferns', an interview short published on the website Funny or Die. 'Between Two Ferns' interviews tend to be deadpan and self-deprecating, but this was just... bad. Bad for Hillary anyway.

In an odd video conference with the Laborers' International Union of North America, Hillary hollered about the evils of Right to Work laws. "Now having said all this, why aren't I fifty points ahead? you might ask," Hillary suggested. Gee. We just can't imagine why her...

The House Oversight Committee has demanded that Reddit preserve deleted posts that an IT technician may have written about Hillary Clinton emails. Earlier this week, Reddit users found an archived post that shows someone asking how to "strip out a VIP's" email address from the to/from fields. No one has confirmed the username "stonetear" belongs to Platte Rivers Network employee Paul Combetta, but people have found connections between his name and the username.

Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the U.N. today. As usual, it was an excellent speech. The headline is that Netanyahu offered to have Palestinian President speak at the Israeli Knesset (parliament) and for Netanhahu to speak at the parliament in Ramallah. Put aside intentions, there will be some hurdles to overcome if Netanyahu is to speak to the Palestinian parliament. It hasn't met since 2007.