VIDEO – CRUZ and FIORINA announcement
Will The Donald attack Carly’s face again? Can he resist the urge?

It’s not exactly “breaking news” anymore.
Ted Cruz is announcing that should he get the nomination, his running mate will be Carly Fiorina.
Cruz picks Fiorina, a woman Trump called ugly, to campaign w/ his wife, who Trump also called ugly. He's making a play for the women's vote.
— Tina Nguyen (@tina_nguyen) April 27, 2016
Fiorina *really* agitates Trump – aides begged him last spring/summer to tone down attacks >
— Alex Burns (@alexburnsNYT) April 27, 2016
Carly Fiorina is the #1 trending topic on Twitter.
Tell me more about how this doesn't matter.
— Matt Mackowiak (@MattMackowiak) April 27, 2016
.@tedcruz: “The American people deserve a real choice in November.”
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) April 27, 2016
.@CarlyFiorina backstage in Indianapolis introduced by @tedcruz as his Vice President and running mate. #CruzFiorina
— Sarah Isgur (@whignewtons) April 27, 2016
Signs already printed with the new logo –> @tedcruz @CarlyFiorina
— Hallie Jackson (@HallieJackson) April 27, 2016
.@TedCruz brings up Trump's "face" comment. "Every one of us remembers the grace … with which Carly responded," Cruz says.
— Patrick Svitek (@PatrickSvitek) April 27, 2016
Cruz acknowledges it's unusual to announce a running mate this early. "I think all of us would acknowledge this race is unusual," he says.
— Patrick Svitek (@PatrickSvitek) April 27, 2016
"Why now?" @tedcruz —@CarlyFiorina pick means race not over. "No one is getting to 1,237 delegates. We must unite."
— Major Garrett (@MajorCBS) April 27, 2016
.@CarlyFiorina is an accomplished executive and a strong leader who will help reignite America's promise.
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) April 27, 2016
Fiorina on Trump and Clinton: "They are not going to challenge the system. They are the system."
— Alan Rappeport (@arappeport) April 27, 2016

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Can somebody who dropped out of contention because she was polling around 2% of republican voters save Cruz’s campaign. LOL.
The full stink of decaying flesh and desperation has descended upon the Cruz campaign.
Even Cruz supporters on the news shows can’t bring themselves to look enthusiastic about this move. They all admit it looks a bit desperate.
Maybe next time if Cruz runs again after getting blown out this time, he will announce his VP pick BEFORE he announces his candidacy.
Desperate Acts by desperate people. It is over Ted. How you behave in the coming weeks, will determine whether your political career also ends.
Now some good down votes by the #nevertrump losers would make by day. Downvote away girls.
Down voting a blog post won’t make Cruz a winner. Nor will anger and angst. Cruz is through.
To all those who dolloped out down voted, thank you for your feckless gesture. Cruz is still the big loser and your down votes won’t earn him a single vote or delegate. So guys continue to “Lose with Cruz”. Down vote away.
Another move by the “brilliant” Cruz calculated to give Trump even more votes. This one will give Trump even more votes than his Kasich fiasco.
Blind Ambition.
Stuff and nonsense.
Gary Brit, it looks, to me, that both have looked into what a brokered convention can evolve to. If they are together, one ticket the convention cannot dictate VPs. Remember Reagan-Bush? That was a huge (yuge) fight that took the liberal wing kicking, scratching, and twitching into the conservative wing of the GOP. Now we have the GOPe dominate. What they don’t understand is that the Party no longer supports them, they just don’t get it. The McConnells, the Hatchs, the Lindsey Graham wing of the party are the dinosaurs. The GOPe has pissed on the Conservatives, the Tea Party (all they wanted is a check on Obamacare and fiscal responsibility) and the religious part of the party. The GOPe wants a brokered convention but they really, really don’t like their choices. Cruz just Trumped the GOPe. After all, the GOPe hates Ted.
Shouldn’t you be over at Breitbart? Don’t understand why you are still here
This is just like the comment section last weekend on the positive story about Cruz’ and his black friend. A Trump loudmouth immediately attacks, and the thread deteriorates from there.
Another notch for the anti-Cruz crowd.
Trump will just send Christie out to respond to Fiorina.
If Fiorina does well then she makes Cruz look smaller by comparison.
Except in very rare circumstances, nobody votes for the VP pick.
Sarah Palin was the only reason why voting for McCain didn’t hurt as much as a toothache.
Well….Christie sure does make fatso humpatrump look smaller by comparison …especially his hands! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I wonder if Carly’s comments about how “Ted Cruz will say anything to get elected” will come back to haunt this strange new coalition.
Trump just tweeted out the video of Carly saying Cruz was just a politician who would say anything to get elected.
She was right of course.
and Cruz’s very actions bring truth to those words. So “Lose with Cruz” is the new rally cry.
Yeah, Cruz is probably toast and all the Donald supporters will get exactly what they want–eight more years of a Clinton presidency.
Could be, but Cruz will be very burnt toast if he does not get out of the race soon.
Let’s all keep in mind that Cruz the genius who memorized the constitution at age 14 and our very own natural born Canadian, his best most creative genius idea is …. Carly Fiorina !!!
Brilliant !!!!!!!
Amazing how a man with such a high IQ can do such foolish things. His social IQ is much less than his standard IQ. Maybe Mrs. Gump was right, “stupid is what stupid does”
Forgive me for being blunt but you are an idiot to trust that whiny baby, emotionally 5-year-old cheeto dusted face who is so uniformed he could not pass a US naturalization test. He doesn’t even have anyone in the foreign policy that will even stand up for him! He has to use Sessions. If you really want a NY liberal you may as well vote for Hillary. If Trump gets the nomination it will be a landslide for the dems. All Trump would do is fire up the dems. You kool-aid drinking guys should have done some vetting before consuming.
You cruzbots put absolutely no rational thought into your BS talkibg points.
Talking point #1: Trump is a democrat and there is no difference between Trump and Hillary.
Talking point #2: if Trump is nominee it will so fire up democrats to vote GOP will lose.
Of course both of these can’t be true at the same time. Only someone very different from what democrats want in Hillary would fire up democrats.
What these two false talking point lies tell us is
1. Cruz is a liar; and
2. Carly is right when she observed that “Cruz is a politician who will say anything to get elected”.
What a depressing bunch of moaning minnies, as Maggie would call you, you are. So you go with your Real Estate Salesman/American Idol/Obama2/Fool. If he wins the Presidency it will be obamadebacle deja vu, if he loses to the Hildebeast it doesn’t bear thinking about. On the day of the Rep convention, Trump will be in court defending himself against charges of running a fraudulent ‘University’. Maybe Hillary will be under indictment too with any luck. From 300 million people you get these two…………..
It’s just sad how the foul-mouthed Trump Brown Shirts have taken over this forum.
Yah, well, they’d better. Conservatives are not going to support a stinking, lying Collectivist fraud, which is what Der Donald is.
Meh. I guess I should have read the whole thread before posting that link as a response to someone else above. :/
lol kind of funny
funny because every single one of them acts like that
What a great move! This will make a real difference!
Maybe he can name his Cabinet too!
Every little bit helps, eh?
His GOPe handlers are delusional. Well maybe Cruz can get that half a mil his pac sent to her. Or does she get to keep that for expenses?
I still love this blog, but lately it seems like the comments section has been taken over by bus-chasing Trumpkins from Trumpway Pundit or Trumpbart.
I agree. They’re very nasty too. I guess it’s because they’re libs. It’s all that overregulation and high taxes that make them hateful.
Fiorina makes substantive comments. She isn’t shooting insults. The Donald so resembles the orange orangutan who flings his feces at the spectators. Her presence will inspire The Donald to, new heights of insults or new lows?, to more extreme comments, just when he was ready to pivot towards being more presidential.
She not only knows what the “nuclear triad” is, but why it was developed and by who.
Der Donald…??? No.
She has very clear, well-developed understanding of abortion issues and why there should be NO federal funding of Planned Abortionhood.
Der Donald…??? No.
I could go on.
Four years ago it seems that Mr. Jacobson was vigilant about weeding out nasty commenters who name called. Now they are allowed to post. This used to be a good blog until the intolerant Trumpbots came here.
Cruz picked up a sixth Senator endorsing him today. Apparently, LOTS of people like Ted Cruz. Contra the lies told about him.
Professor Jacobson:
I think you should speak out against anyone that expresses anger at others here by calling them “Brown Shirts.”
As someone who comes here because of the pro-Israel stance that is represented, such labeling of people as Nazis is offensive and should be addressed.
How about curbing people here who shout “Idiot!” and “Moron!” at others in violation of the Terms and Conditions of the forum?
It’s sad if you cannot discern the difference in calling someone an idiot and a Brown Shirt.
I don’t condone either, but the latter is particularly egregious.
You know, maybe Brown Shirts was a little harsh. How about Screaming Garbage Babies?
I agree. I remember when I started posting here in 2012, the moderators were highly vigilant about blocking commenters who name called. Now it seems like anything goes. Don’t come here as often because of the rude Trumpbots
“…the country’s situation has grown so dire in so many areas that only a personality with steel, vigor, determination and even ruthlessness can possibly make things right. Getting every detail correct — but not having the stamina or forcefulness to carry out the plan — won’t cut it.”
If that isn’t what a good little brown-shirt would bellow over his buds down at the bierhall, I can’t imagine what would be.
As one of the worst offenders of decorum here, I take whatever you say with a grain of salt.
Your justification is, seriously, pathetic.
Just following your lead Rags.
I needed a C word to go with Cruz. Perfectly justified when calling out Fuzzy’s use of a C word in Trump Chumps.
NO. You are a lying SOS.
You are a vile thing, and you know it. You revel in it.
See just following the well worn path you established Rags.
Fuzzy and you both think you can make up false attacks on people and tgey don’t get to say anything back.
Doesn’t work like that you sick flucks.
What is incoherent, though, is populism — Trump’s brand. It is knee-jerk demagoguery: Say whatever will get a rise out of the masses; don’t fret over whether it is at odds with whatever bromide you’ve previously spouted; and, when called on the inconsistencies attack the messenger. Today’s speech conveyed no comprehension of what caused ISIS to rise — of where it came from (al-Qaeda), of what drives it ideologically (sharia supremacism), or of the fact that it is just a subset of a much bigger challenge. Trump merely continued to do what populists do: He told you the people you love to hate are incoherent and incompetent. He never mentions that he was with them all the way, and never offers a reason to think he is any more coherent and competent — just more shallow.
Read more at:
You should read the whole thing.
One thing that jumped out at me was T-rump calling his predecessors in office “arrogant”, while in the same speech suggesting that our allies around the world were free-loading bums who were gonna…by gawd…pay up or find themselves alone.
Apparently, among other kinds of sense, Der Donald has no sense of self-parody.
This fool will finish the work Barracula has started with such terrible consequences for the entire world.
There ya go talking policy again. Don’t ya know the only policy that matters is the wall? I mean if we build the wall EVERYTHING wrong with the world will suddenly be right.
Vacca Sancta! What a disaster.
If Ted thinks this will help, he’s even more out-of-touch with the electoral zeitgeist than I’d thought.
Ted is a fighter. He is going to take it strong to the ring!
Preacher Harry Powell Trump will say and do anything to get what he wants.
I’d love to see someone put a map of Africa in front of Trump and ask him to point to Tanzania (or Tanzaynia).
I’d love for someone to put a lemonade stand in front of Cruz and ask him to manage it.
I must tip to my hat off to Ted Cruz. This was an absolutely brilliant move. Three advantages come to mind:
1. In the next week he can spend all his time describing how Carly is not one of the worst CEOs off all time and her record is missconstrued.
2. In California, he is certain to get all the votes of the thousands of people that Carly laid off. Not to mention their family and friends.
3. In California, he is certain to get all the votes of tech workers who have been laid of or are scared of getting laid off due to off-shoring and H1Bs. Techniques Carly expounded while CEO. Not to mention Cruz’s own suggestion of tripling H1Bs.
RodFC, that is so lame. Oh lordy mamma, all those sufferen’ people that that dad gum rich person just had to hurt ’cause you know she hates them critters that work for her. Yadda, Yada, Yadda. Now go get a thoughtful job and use the talents entailed.
“Not to mention Cruz’s own suggestion of tripling H1Bs.”
Showing you’re either a liar or too ignorant to post here. Cruz looked into H1B abuse, and reversed his position.
UNLIKE Der Donald, who LIED straight-faced about his abuse of H2B visas because he couldn’t “find Americans who wanted to fill the jobs”.
Rags,Donald is not a good guy to contract with. He likes to intimidate small businesses with his lawyers. There is a small chandelier dealer who searched high and low to find him matching pieces for MaraLago. Well he did his part and I am not sure that the Donald ever paid him the final 50% of the contract. Last I know is that the Donald did not pay up but, hit him with a bunch of lawyerly crapola.
Cruz is typical politician who will say anything to get elected.
— Carly Fiorina
“Look at that face!” Trump on Ms. Fiorina.
Mr. Jacobson: could you please go back to the good old days of 2012 when you kicked commenters off for nasty comments?
If he did and maintained any bit of honesty, he would have to kick of Ragspierre, he being the biggest offender.
Showing you’re either a liar or too ignorant to post here. Cruz looked into H1B abuse, and reversed his position.
You mean he was for H1Bs before he was against them.
Sure. And you either lied about it, or were too ignorant to know about it.
Speaking of Cruz’s love for increasing H1B visas by 500% and Cruz’s love for Obamatrade/TPP and stupid unfair trade deals that outsource USA JOBS.
Fiorina loves H1B Visas and outsourcing of USA JOBS also.
At HP, Fiorina was a prominent supporter of the offshore outsourcing model, said Ron Hira, an associate professor of public policy at Howard University, who wrote about Fiorina’s approaches in his book, Outsourcing America.
“To pump up profits, she was an early adopter of the practice, which given HP’s status as a leading Silicon Valley firm, pushed other firms to adopt offshoring,” said Hira. “It set a precedent that technology firms would now pursue profits through offshoring and that meant that Wall Street would hound executives in other firms to do the same.”
As offshoring gained, Fiorina played a leading role in defending globalization.
To make her point, in 2004, Fiorina said: “There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore,” reported the San Francisco Chronicle.
Last September, political talk show host Laura Ingraham asked Fiorina about that controversial quote; Fiorina said she stood by it. “We have to fight for every job,” according to a recording posted by Ingraham.
Bobby Knight Endorses Trump: “Most Prepared Man In History To Step In As President”
You folks are taking a look at the most prepared man in history to step in as president of the United States, that man right there,” Knight said of Trump. “There has never been a presidential candidate prepared to the length that this man is.”
“I’m not here to represent the Republican Party or any organization that deals with politics. I think the most important thing in the world is that we vote for the best man for the job, and you have already met him,” Knight added.
“You folks have a great opportunity here,” Knight told the crowd. “You folks voting for Donald Trump are throwing him over the top. If you will do this, you will be having our government take its first step toward what all of us want America to be like.”
“That was very nice of you to say that. I appreciate that. But let me tell you another thing about Mr. Trump. And I think we’re a little bit alike in that regard. If we’re involved in something that we want to win, and particularly something that’s necessary. If there’s something out there that we need to win, we’re going to try and beat your ass every time we can.”
When is rapist Mike Tyson going to introduce your little yellow god?
‘Cause I really want you to publish that YouTube video. That’ll be SOOOOOOOO cool…!!!
Bobby Knight endorsing Donald Trump is no surprise. I have met people who have been to coaching workshops where Coach Knight spoke. In front of a large crowd of coaches he was both obscene and profane. His antics were over the top for so many years, as he bullied players, refs, fans, and basically everybody around him as long as he could. As a basketball coach to win a game, he could do that. As a person, he has given clear, consistent, and convincing evidence of lacking good character. He and Donald would recognize each other as two-of-a-kind. I have read, and wish I could find documentation, that while Knight was winning basketball games his players weren’t developing into playing in the NBA. So much for coaching to win as opposed to coaching to develop players into better players.
One of my favorite Knight stories is the time the team lost on the road to Illinois. When they got home Bobby had the bus driver go to the gym for a 2 hour practice. He told the players something like ‘Don’t tell me you’re tired. I just saw you play and there is no way you could be tired after that game.’ When the practice was over he sent them home, and later that day they had their regularly scheduled 10 AM practice.
By the way, Vince Lombardi was an alcoholic who abused his wife and kids. How long before the NFL decides to rename their Superbowl Trophy? Or do they only care about some spousal abuse?
Bobby Knight Endorses Trump: “Most Prepared Man In History To Step In As President”
Wow. I knew Knight was a bad-tempered bully, liar, and couldn’t hold a job toward the end of his career.
I never knew he was a hyperbolic historical moron.
Another feather in his cap, I suppose…
The American electorate has been working overtime to prove the elites correct; supporting a Marxist, a Socialist and the Hillary-in-drag candidate (Trump) overwhelmingly demonstrates just how ignorant and inept the American voter has become. They really do need the Scots Mussolini to make the trains run on time.
Rick Perry: ‘At the End of the Day,’ I’ll Vote for Trump
#NeverTrump getting down to the hard core left-wing loonies and fake ‘conservatives’
You gotta admire Ted for persistence, though Fiorina is a GOPe hack in the mold of Niki Haley.
Not really a surprise that Cruz who is and always has been a part of the GOP establishment has hired at least half of the Jeb Bush campaign staff would pick a solid GOPe open borders, H1b visa loving, stupid trade deal usa job outsourcing Fiorina.
After all Cruz loves all those usa job killing policies himself.
A pure conservative is the guy who is more than happy to export your job to china or mexico or vietnam because that’s what pure conservatives do.
As an alternative the h1b loving Cruz and Fiorina also support saving global corporations money by letting them avoid having to send your job overseas. Instead the global corporations can just bring the cheap foreign labor here and make you train them on on the way to the unemployment line.
Just today’s installment of Gaghdad Bob Britt’s lies.
Cruz has no clothing line hecho en Mexico. That would be Der Donald.
Cruz has no cheap, tawdry bling made in China. That would be Der Donald.
And Cruz does not staff any business with H2B imports AND LIE about how he’s gotta, because Americans won’t work. That would be Der Donald.
But ALSO Cruz never gave money to BOTH Hellary AND The Clinton Foundation. That would be Der Donald.
Cruz killed TPP in collaboration with Sessions. You lying SOS.
Cruz doesn’t have and has never had any business he funded and ran so naturally he has no clothing line and has never hired anybody and never created a single job.
However Cruz has worked to send millions if jobs overseas just like Fiorina.
You continually lie about Cruz stopping TPP. Cruz joined with Ryan in writing a WSJ op ed supporting TPP and all Cruz did was join McConnell in putting off vote until after election so Cruz could vote with Obama and GOPe for TPP after thecelection in November.
Senator Sessions endorses TRUMP.
Just today’s installment of Gaghdad Bob Britt’s lies.
Cruz has no clothing line hecho en Mexico. That would be Der Donald.
Cruz has no cheap, tawdry bling made in China. That would be Der Donald.
And Cruz does not staff any business with H2B imports AND LIE about how he’s gotta, because Americans won’t work. That would be Der Donald.
But ALSO Cruz never gave money to BOTH Hellary AND The Clinton Foundation. That would be Der Donald.
Cruz killed TPP in collaboration with Sessions. You lying SOS.
Cruz doesn’t have and has never had any business he funded and ran so naturally he has no clothing line and has never hired anybody and never created a single job.
However Cruz has worked to send millions if jobs overseas just like Fiorina.
You continually lie about Cruz stopping TPP. Cruz joined with Ryan in writing a WSJ op ed supporting TPP and all Cruz did was join McConnell in putting off vote until after election so Cruz could vote with Obama and GOPe for TPP after thecelection in November.
Senator Sessions endorses TRUMP.
Sometimes, your very best endorsements come as imprecations from your opposition.
particular, Fiorina’s record could shine unwanted attention on what has been a similarly uncomfortable area for Sen. Ted Cruz, such as Cruz’s offering an amendment to increase the H-1B program by 500 percent, his 2015 vote to continue allowing Chinese currency manipulation, and his 2015 vote to fast track President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement—all votes which have been highlighted by the Trump campaign in recent months.
During her time at Hewlett Packard, Fiorina sparked fury when she declared that “There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore”— suggesting that American workers should be forced to compete with all of the world’s workers. Throughout her career as a high-powered businesswoman, Fiorina was an aggressive proponent of offshoring U.S. jobs, which she called “right-shoring”. As Forbes reported in 2002, “with the blessing of Chief Executive Carly Fiorina”, HP sought to “move everything” it could offshore.
Kim Berry, a former HP employee and registered Republican from California, described the Cruz-Fiorina ticket as “a good match”.
“They’re two peas in a pod that support TPP [the Trans-Pacific Partnership] and support the corporate agenda,” Berry said.
During her time at Hewlett Packard, Fiorina sparked fury when she declared that “There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore”— suggesting that American workers should be forced to compete with all of the world’s workers.
Which is simple economic reality. You poor, economically moronic, lying SOS.
The happy news is that American workers are the most productive, least cost (in many areas) workers in the world. We CAN compete successfully with anyone, anywhere, for desirable jobs. We can’t compete…and we really don’t want to…for jobs involving snapping the screens onto smart phones. Which is good for everyone, since it MOST efficiently uses the resources available all over the world.
You poor lying SOS.
Rags and Cruz both believe sending other people’s jobs overseas is just economics. Its required. Its like gravity to them. Sending usa jobs overseas is just inevitable law of nature.
During Fiorina’s time at Hewlett Packard, Fiorina sparked fury when she declared that “There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore”— suggesting that American workers should be forced to compete with all of the world’s workers. Throughout her career as a high-powered businesswoman, Fiorina was an aggressive proponent of offshoring U.S. jobs, which she called “right-shoring”. As Forbes reported in 2002, “with the blessing of Chief Executive Carly Fiorina”, HP sought to “move everything” it could offshore.
The happy news is that American workers are the most productive, least cost (in many areas) workers in the world. We CAN compete successfully with anyone, anywhere, for desirable jobs. We can’t compete…and we really don’t want to…for jobs involving snapping the screens onto smart phones. Which is good for everyone, since it MOST efficiently uses the resources available all over the world.
You poor lying SOS.
And we know you and Cruz are correct because we know tge fruits of your economic purist works.
Those fruits are available for all to see in the closed factories all over Indiana and the former Indiana jobs now in Mexico and China.
When it comes to economics, trade, and ysa jobs you and Cruz aren’t lying SOS’s. You and Cruz are just Stupid SOB’s.
Trump Camp: Cruz-Fiorina Is the ‘Outsourcing Ticket’
When Indiana sends Donald J. Trump to the White House, he is going to fight for all of you. He is going to fight for every American worker whose been left behind. He’s going to fight for a secure border. He’s going to fight for secure communities. Donald Trump is going to stand with our police. Donald Trump is going to stand with our manufacturers. Donald Trump is going to stand with the parents worried about their schools, worried about their jobs, worried about their wages… While Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina push to outsource your jobs, Donald J. Trump is going to fight for your jobs.
I’ve seen this movie before…
It was 1976
… the candidate was Ronald Reagan
… the VP was Richard Schweiker
… he lost in that cycle but won the next
My prediction that Cruz would stab Kasich in the back on this so called alliance deal continues to come true. There is a reason everyone in congress thinks Ted Cruz is Lucifer in the Flesh and a miserable son of a bitch.
Cruz is now denying there was ever an alliance which is his lying SOS prelude to breaking it and then claiming there was never an alliance to break. What a lying piece of shit.
Here is the evidence:
Carly Fiorina is calling for John Kasich to exit the Republican nomination race following a supposed alliance made between the Cruz and Kasich campaigns.
Fiorina told conservative host Mark Levin Wednesday that Kasich – not Cruz – should get out of the race:
The Washington Post’s Sean Sullivan tweeted:
“Cruz now downplaying the arrangement with Kasich. Says both sides acting in their own interests. “There is no alliance.”
Rut Row,
New polls
Trump and Hillary tied at 44% to 44%
Cruz loses to Hillary 45% to 40%
Trump and Hillary tied at 38% each
This is just the beginning of Trump taking lead over Hillary and his net favorables move way up.
Up your rut with a splintery row…
RCP Average 4/18 – 4/22 — — 39.3 33.0 19.3 Trump +6.3
CBS News/YouGov 4/20 – 4/22 548 LV 6.6 40 35 20 Trump +5
FOX News 4/18 – 4/21 602 LV 4.0 41 33 16 Trump +8
WTHR/Howey Politics 4/18 – 4/21 507 LV 4.3 37 31 22 Trump +6
Note that all the Real Clear Politics polls are BEFORE the landslide schlonging Trump gave Cruz on the 24th.
That ought to be good for a 5% to 8% bump in the polls for Trump.