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Obama Lectures America About Religious Inclusivity

Obama Lectures America About Religious Inclusivity

People clinging to their Bibles unavailable for comment.

In case you missed it, the National Prayer Breakfast was earlier this week and our esteemed president used the occasion to lecture people on religious liberty.

FOX 6 reported:

Pres. Obama at National Prayer Breakfast: ‘Faith is the great cure for fear’

President Barack Obama addressed the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, speaking about the need to overcome fear through faith, just one day after making a historic visit to a Baltimore mosque where he delivered a message of religious inclusivity.

“Fear can lead us to lash out against those who are different or lead us to try to get some sinister ‘other’ under control,” said Obama, making a veiled reference to divisive rhetoric on the presidential campaign trail.

“Alternatively, fear can lead us to succumb to despair or paralysis or cynicism,” he said. “Fear can feed our most selfish impulses and erode the bonds of community.”

However, he said, “Faith is the great cure for fear.”

The FOX News Channel covered the story last night:

Casey Harper of the Daily Caller further reported on Nancy Pelosi’s appearance:

Nancy Pelosi Invokes ‘Prophet Muhammad’ At National Prayer Breakfast

Congressmen, President Barack Obama and faith leaders from around the country met for the annual prayer breakfast in Washington, D.C. Thursday. At the breakfast, House Minority Leader Democrat Nancy Pelosi took the opportunity to invoke “the prophet Muhammad.”

Before reading from the Gospel of John, Pelosi talked about the similarity of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

“In the Gospel of John we see the golden rule that stands at the heart of the gospel, and as we hear these words from John 13, 15, and 17, we know that this message, this command of love is not confined to the New Testament,” Pelosi said. “The same message stands at the center of the Torah and the teachings of the prophet Muhammad too. In the Torah it says, ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ and from Muhammad, ‘none of you has faith until he loves for his neighbor or brother what he loves for himself.’”

Featured image via YouTube.


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Got news for our sorry excuse for a president. It isn’t fear driving the religious wedge. It is the religious supremacy and intolerance islam has of other religions which is causing people to be suspicious of that religion. Pelosi has it wrong when it comes to the golden rule. More slack is given to islam than islam has given in return.

“…from Muhammad, ‘none of you has faith until he loves for his neighbor or brother what he loves for himself.’”

OK, speaking for myself, on my behalf you can leave the sheep and goats unmolested.

Jes’ sayin’….

Heh. Not only does she not know what the Golden Rule is, she doesn’t know what the heart of the Gospel of John is. A twofer.

“Faith is the great cure for fear.”

So why are Sunni Muslims afraid of Shia Muslim violence and vice versa around the world? Why are women in Tehran afraid to defy their Islamic dress code?

Why were Christians, Jews and women in Egypt afraid when the Muslim Brotherhood came to power?
Why were the major news paper afraid to reprint the offending cartoon after Charlie Hebdo massacre?

How many questions can I ask?

Atheists quoting scripture.

It doesn’t get any better than that.

Unbelievable. Even worse to realize that people continually vote to put those two in office. There simply are no words. . .

While Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all Abrahamic religions, Islam has always been condemned as a Christian heresy by early church fathers. To say that the religions worship the same God is an extremely unorthodox and heretical statement.

When I think of Islam, “religious inclusivity” are not the first words that come to mind ~

I don’t think mullah is talking about the faith of our fathers.

Humanism sounds so…human.

Dennis Prager had a great segment on his radio show yesterday about obama’s mosque speech. He started of first calling obama a liar about his stated definition of the word “Islam”. obama said it meant “Peace”. Prager said that was nonsense and everyone in the muslim faith knows it means “Submission”. Peace and submission are not even close. He went on to point all kinds of out right lies and mischaracterizations obama made. One simple test to verify the notion that islam is a religion of peace is to identify ALL or ANY muslim country that allows other religions to exist there. crickets………

    gulfbreeze in reply to inspectorudy. | February 5, 2016 at 12:27 pm

    “One simple test to verify the notion that islam is a religion of peace is to identify ALL or ANY muslim country that allows other religions to exist there. crickets………”

    There is a measure of tolerance of other religions in some muslim nations.

    You can convert to Islam from them, pay the jizya/tax annually, or be killed.
    So it’s not like you don’t have freedom of choice. (/snark)

    Observer in reply to inspectorudy. | February 5, 2016 at 1:12 pm

    The Federalist had a piece yesterday about Obama’s speech. It said that Obama should have told American Muslim children, who are worried about Trump “deporting” them, that they enjoy more religious freedom in the U.S. than they would in any Islamic nation.

    But the truth is that Obama could never say that, because then he would have to admit that the reason American Muslims have more religious freedom in the U.S. is because the U.S. is NOT an Islamic nation — which would then beg the question why Obama has allowed millions of Muslims to immigrate here, and continues to bring in hundreds of thousands more every year.

    Rick the Curmudgeon in reply to inspectorudy. | February 5, 2016 at 5:31 pm

    Okay, so Obama is kind of fuzzy on “islam.” How is he on ” taqiyya”?

“‘Fear can lead us to lash out against those who are different or lead us to try to get some sinister ‘other’ under control,’ said Obama, making a veiled reference to divisive rhetoric on the presidential campaign trail.”

Well, that explains Obama’s lashing out at those who “differ” with him, his paranoid attempts to get sinister “others” under control, and his own divisive rhetoric, then.

All speech is self-revealing….

Wow, talk about hipocracy. That is how he feels about legal gun owners

Just remember, even the Devil can quote the Bible.
I really hate that man. This year can’t go by fast enough.

Pelosi is such a wonderfully intelligent woman. Why I’ll bet she could go over to the middle east and talk to ISIS all by herself and convert them to becoming a peaceful group.
I say we let her have a go at it. Maybe she could take Cheryl Mills, Valerie Jarret and hitlery as witnesses.

Too bad he doesn’t include muslims in this lecture.