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Democratic Socialist Party U.S.A.

Democratic Socialist Party U.S.A.

Truth in advertising: Democrats should change party’s name to reflect reality

Back in 2008, Obama supporters would foam at the mouth if you suggested Obama was a socialist.

Today, progressive activists are positively giddy about Bernie Sanders who openly identifies as a Democratic Socialist.

Now that the mask has come off, should the Democratic Party change its name?

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews was on The Late Show this week and when host Seth Meyers asked him who best represents Democrats, Matthews suggested it’s Bernie.

Jeffrey Meyer of NewsBusters has the details (emphasis is his):

Chris Matthews Admits Socialist Bernie Sanders Best Represents Democrats

Rather than name frontrunner Hillary Clinton has emblematic of the Democratic Party, Matthews eagerly touted how Socialist Bernie Sanders’ views are the future of the party as it moves ever so far to the left:

He’s where the party is headed. And the party is much more left than it was. If you had said socialist four or eight years ago, you would have been blown out of town. You can’t say socialist. Now it doesn’t bother anybody. ‘Cause they don’t think the system’s straight, right now. And in fact, if you talked about the rich, people would say, “Oh that’s class politics. You can’t do that.” Nobody said that this time because they know it’s right. Because of the numbers. How bad people are getting hurt.

Here’s the video clip:

Since they’re finally being honest about it, why not make it official?

David Harsanyi of The Federalist seems to agree:

Introducing The ‘Democratic Socialist’ Party

No one seems too troubled that Democrats ratchet up the collectivist rhetoric every election. We mock conservatives for red-baiting and throwing around the word “socialism.” And let’s face it, the term is overused and misunderstood. But as we saw in the Las Vegas the other night, the Democratic Party is not a party of Great Society liberals anymore. We’re not talking about lifting the marginal tax rates a few points, at least not rhetorically. Bernie Sanders isn’t only pulling a quarter of Democrats to his cause, he’s pacing the field ideologically.

In a New York Times piece this April describing Hillary’s alleged progressive epiphany, we learned that the Democratic Party front-runner believes a sound economy requires the “toppling” of the wealthy. Where taxes were once conceived to fund safety nets, police, education, communal improvements through infrastructure, and the nation’s defense, nowadays Democrats talk about taxation as if it were a tool to take from the undeserving—whose ill-gotten gains are built on a foundation of skulls from the victims of a “rigged” system—and give to companies, people, and programs to create societal equality, justice, and harmony.

The Democratic Party needs to embrace its inner socialist self with a proper name — Democratic Socialist Party U.S.A.:


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The Democrats would add “Socialist” only if it had political utility. Truth or honesty would never be a driver. Bernie is a test run for both the name and to see how far left they can set the boundary.

Things have changed fast and moved far over the last decade.

If this continues, there’s only going to be one real recourse for conservatives, and that will be to separate themselves from the Collective physically, and for self-defense.

As noted before many times, they won’t “live and let live”. It’s their nature to compel and impose totalitarian control. They’re pushing it now, and on this trajectory, it could get intolerable fast.

Sometimes you can take a piece here and a piece there and something good will come of it.

Given that, I suggest universal background checks for all politicians

I mean, we could have avoided the whole Birther thing

Remember when they said Ron Paul was softening up America for libertarianism? And now we’re all libertarians. Right?

Why stop at Socialist? Listen to the crowd roar at the straight talk

Trump Calls Sanders A Maniac and a Communist Following Debate

Hmm. if the D’s change their official name to “socialist”,
perhaps the R’s can take over the name “democrat”. Both names will closer* reflect current reality.

*actually, the D’s should become the Marxist party and the R’s the socialist party, and I’m being generous to the R party.

Henry Hawkins | October 17, 2015 at 9:50 pm

Democrats, historically: tax the rich and spend it to provide freebies (buy votes), then after getting elected expand the new taxes to the middle class, where the money is.

Bernie Sanders: tax the rich and spend it to provide freebies (buy votes), then after getting elected expand the new taxes to the middle class, where the money is.

Yeaaah, I’m not seeing the distinction between a Democrat and a socialist….

    TX-rifraph in reply to Henry Hawkins. | October 18, 2015 at 6:42 am

    Worse than that — they are taxing our children and grandchildren (government debt) to bribe today’s voters.

    Ragspierre in reply to Henry Hawkins. | October 18, 2015 at 9:57 am

    You’re sorta correct, Henry.

    They are not “socialists” strictly speaking, since they don’t advocate for the nationalization of businesses.

    They are more correctly fascists, who leave the ownership of business nominally in the hands of its proper owners, and take control and the out-puts of business to the government.

    A MUCH more dangerous form of Collectivism for America.

Democrats are socialistic?? Gee, what gave it away??

* being pro gun control
* wanting single-payer health care
* totally supporting Govt bailouts
* first answer to ANY problem is more govt
* any suggestion to reduce govt is met with hostility
* idolizing people like “Che”
* Newsweeks’ cover “We’re All Socialists Now”

Or is it their total LOVE of all things government?

I question the “Democratic” in their new name.

Fake black people ,fake native Americans Fake hate crimes. Fake marriages ,fake genders, fake clocks, fake email servers ,fake white privilege ,fake microaggressions, faked birth certificates, fake cackle, why worry about a name, gesh

Fake black people ,fake native Americans ,Fake hate crimes. Fake marriages ,fake genders, fake clocks, fake email servers ,fake white privilege ,fake microaggressions, faked birth certificates, fake cackle, why worry about a fake party name, gesh

Eastwood Ravine | October 18, 2015 at 12:05 am

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck…

When can we label them the Totalitarian Fascist party?