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Tammy Bruce: Liberals Becoming the Bullies They Claim to Hate

Tammy Bruce: Liberals Becoming the Bullies They Claim to Hate

Tammy Bruce defends Memories Pizza of Indiana.

Talk radio host Tammy Bruce has come to the defense of Memories Pizza, the Indiana restaurant which was forced to close due to threats.

In a recent appearance on FOX and Friends with Tucker Carlson, Bruce said that although she is gay, she doesn’t approve of the tactics being used by gay marriage activists.

Bradford Thomas of Truth Revolt:

Openly gay conservative radio host Tammy Bruce appeared on Fox & Friends Thursday to discuss the “frenzy” over the Indiana Pizzeria who said hypothetically that they would not cater a same-sex wedding due to religious convictions. Bruce defended the pizza shop, warning the LGBT community against becoming the very “bullies” and “fascists” they should be fighting against.

Bruce called the attacks on the pizzeria another unfortunate instance of the LGBT “mob” taking over, when it is the LGBT community that should best understand the importance of defending those with differing opinions:

BRUCE: For me, as a gay woman, it remains shocking. You sit back and watch this frenzy, like a wolf pack, going after survivors in a way with like a pizza shop. And if there’s anyone in the world who should understand the vulnerability of being a minority—of being somebody that maybe others don’t understand or relate to, the vulnerability about work and jobs, being able to live your life as you see fit—it’s the gay community. …

Watch the exchange:

Evan McMurry of Mediaite has more:

Gay Fox Guest Warns LGBT Movement Against Turning into Fascist Bullies

Conservative radio host and openly-gay Tammy Bruce said of Fox & Friends Thursday morning that the gay rights movement risked turning into fascist bullies in its response to Indiana’s new RFRA law, as embodied by the threats against an Indiana pizzeria that told a local news station it would not cater a gay wedding.

“If there’s anyone in the world who should understand the vulnerability of being a minority, of being somebody that maybe others don’t understand or relate to, the vulnerability about work and jobs, being able to live your life as you see fit, it’s the gay community,” Bruce said.

“For me to turn around in the 21st century and see that this is what we were fighting for, so we could condemn people who are different, and with whom we disagree is the antithesis of what every civil rights movement was about.”

By the way, if you’re not following Tammy Bruce on Twitter you should be.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Let us not forget to give credit to the communists and facists who jump on any bandwagon of hate that they can

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel

Tammy was spot on in her argument. the LGBT community is in danger of becoming the bullies they so loudly protest against.

I’ve been a big, Big, BIG Tammy Fan for 15+years. Her book, “The New Thought Police” (1999) was brilliant, but now the affliction which she nailed so well is on 2015 Steroids for PC-Madness, Lefty Elitism, Strangle Hold on culture and campus…So, Tammy, here’s my plea: PLEASE do a
“page one” rewrite and expansion of that book to address the Horrors of the Current Batshit Crazy Kulture. PLEASE!!

“becoming” – When have liberals ever NOT been the bullies they claim to hate?

Henry Hawkins | April 4, 2015 at 10:09 pm

Not all lefties are cannibals.

I’ve said for some time that Ms. Bruce should be Press Secretary/ Communications Director in the incoming GOP administration.

Got silently blocked a day ago on Reddit for discussing this issue, politely and with malice towards none. Rick Wilson at the Federalist calls them “the raging mob”, and so they are. But some of us on Reddit try to inject some sanity and a sense that you don’t have to use profanities every sentence and mock vilely those you who have ideas you disagree with.

“If there’s anyone in the world who should understand the vulnerability of being a minority …

In what sense are the people at the pizzeria a “minority”?

Liberalism stands or falls by the distinction between state and society, or by the recognition of a private sphere, protected by the law but impervious to the law, with the understanding that, above all, religion as particular religion belongs to the private sphere. Just as certainly as the liberal state will not “discriminate” against its Jewish citizens, so it is constitutionally unable or even unwilling to prevent “discrimination” against Jews by individuals or groups. To recognize a private sphere in the sense indicated means to permit private “discrimination,” to protect it and thus in fact to foster it. The liberal state cannot provide a solution to the Jewish problem, for such a solution would require a legal prohibition against every kind of “discrimination,” i.e., the abolition of the private sphere, the denial of the difference between state and society, and the destruction of the liberal state.
—Leo Straus, as quoted in PowerLine

This is the state of European, Canadian, and Australian society, and the one toward which we are hurtling.

To “protect” every possible minority, the state has to invade the private sphere of individuals. It has to crush any sign of “discrimination”.

And, by doing that, it forces people with dissenting…even repellent…views into the margins, and into direct outlaw status if the repression is strong enough. For some in Europe, being outlaws is fine with them. They are paying a very tiny price for it.

Collectivists are NOT “liberal”. They don’t even pretend to be any longer. They are totalitarian, and have been since their beginnings. And who they define as a “protected” class shifts with a whim. But you can reliably predict that, if the class will have a corrosive effect on American values, THEY are the ones the Collective fosters.

They were always bullies. Now they have the entire msm on their side making excuses for them.

“For me to turn around in the 21st century and see that this is what we were fighting for, so we could condemn people who are different, and with whom we disagree is the antithesis of what every civil rights movement was about.”

The century of clichéd cudgels to beat those of opposing views.
Human Rights: Which human, what rights, when?
Diversity: Not diversity of views apparently if they are of the “privileged” kind or the wrong religion.

The century of blatant bigoted hypocrisy.

“Bullies” is misleading. They are fascists.