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A.F. Branco Tag

We did this last year, Best A.F. Branco Cartoon of 2015 (Reader Poll), and the vote was a precise tie. So we had a runoff was extremely close, with just an 11 vote difference, Runoff Election: Best A.F. Branco Cartoon 2015 (Reader Poll). And the winner was a cartoon that is so timely it would be timely right now ... Assume the Position. As before, the choice to get down to just 10 favorites was tough. My initial cut was 22 from a very impressive year of cartoons.

The first A.F. Branco cartoon we posted, at our request with his permission, was on July 25, 2012. That cartoon, based on Obama's "you didn't build it" comment, is still one of my favorites of all time. Tony started posting his cartoons here on a regular basis not long after that. His first post as an author at Legal Insurrection was on August 2, 2012. We're going to have to throw him a party on his 5th Anniversary next summer, perhaps jointly with Aleister who also has been with us for 5 years next summer (originally to start up College Insurrection in August 2012).