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As the racialist wing of our body politic suffers through the Kubler-Ross seven stages of grief at the “Not Guilty” verdict in the Zimmerman trial, we find that they are currently transitioning from the “Anger” to “Bargaining” stage. How do we know? Because all they...

A reader sent me the following in response to my post about that thing that doesn’t matter in the least to me: Over the past year, I’ve moved your bookmark steadily up & to the left. Since last fall it’s been among the 18-20 that my...

"This is a unity rally, but it's not just a unity rally for Jews, and it's not just a unity rally for Israel. There's a reason we have Israeli and American flags on this stage, it's because we stand for civilization against true barbarians who are looking to tear us down... So this is not just a Jewish unity rally, it's an American unity rally and we can never forget that. "