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Israel Launches Airstrikes Against Hezbollah, Urges Lebanese Civilians to Vacate

Israel Launches Airstrikes Against Hezbollah, Urges Lebanese Civilians to Vacate

Israel’s i24NEWS TV: “Israeli forces made more than 80,000 phone calls to Lebanese civilians, urging them to flee areas of known Hezbollah activity.”

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday urged the residents of southern Lebanon to vacate the areas where Hezbollah is hiding its terrorist infrastructure.

The warning was followed by waves of Israeli airstrikes on hundreds of Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon. The IDF, in a press release on Monday, announced the beginning of a campaign to “engage in extensive, precise strikes, against terror targets which have been embedded widely throughout Lebanon.”

The IDF by Monday afternoon successfully hit around “800 terror targets belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization,” the Israeli military disclosed.

“We advise civilians from Lebanese villages located in and next to buildings and areas used by Hezbollah for military purposes, such as those used to store weapons, to immediately move out of harm’s way for their own safety,” the IDF statement urged.

Massive airstrikes on Hezbollah terror targets followed the warning to Lebanese civilians.

“The IDF initiated a major round of airstrikes against Hezbollah on Monday following a warning from IDF spokesperson R. Admiral Daniel Hagari to the general public in southern Lebanon to evacuate areas where Hezbollah has stored rockets or undertaken other actions,” the Jerusalem Post reported Monday. “These waves of air strikes constituted the fifth and sixth round of massive air strikes on Hezbollah since Thursday of last week, especially in southern Lebanon, including further from the border than in some prior cases.”

While Hezbollah fired rockets from civilians’ homes, the IDF made tens of thousands of phone calls to the Lebanese residents in a bid to prevent civilian casualties, media reports confirm. “Imad Kreidieh, the head of Lebanese telecoms company Ogero, told Reuters on Monday that more than 80,000 automated calls asking people to evacuate their areas were detected on the network,” the news agency reported Monday.

Israel determined to push Hezbollah behind Lebanon’s Litani River

As the IDF launches strikes against Hezbollah terrorist build-up in southern Lebanon, the Israeli government is determined to push Hezbollah from the area. “If the world does not remove Hezbollah from north of the Litani River in accordance with Resolution 1701, Israel will do so,” Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said Sunday.

“Israel will take all necessary actions to protect its citizens from Hezbollah, a terrorist organization that has continuously attacked Israel since October 8, killing dozens of Israelis, including 12 children during a soccer game, and leading to the displacement of approximately 70,000 Israelis from their homes,” the Israeli foreign minister reminded.

The 2006 UN resolution bars Hezbollah from maintaining a military presence south of Lebanon’s Litani River. In recent years, the terror group has openly violated the resolution by ramping up its terrorist infrastructure and fighting force in the area along Israel’s northern border.

“Hezbollah’s military activity south of the Litani River in Lebanon, including the use and storage of armaments, is a clear violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701,” the IDF has reminded in repeated press statements since October 7.

Iran’s IRGC orders terror operatives to stop using all communication devices after Hezbollah pager blasts

Iran’s Islamic Guard (IRGC) has literally been bombed back to the stone age, after the terrorist organization ordered its members to “stop using any type of communication devices” in the wake of the recent Hezbollah pager blasts. Dozens of Hezbollah terror operatives were killed and thousands of fighters were injured last week when consecutive waves of blasts hit their pagers, radios and other devices.

The Reuters reports:

Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has ordered all members to stop using any type of communication devices after thousands of pagers and walkie-talkies used by its Hezbollah allies in Lebanon blew up in deadly attacks last week, two senior Iranian security officials told Reuters.

One of the security officials said a large-scale operation is underway by the IRGC to inspect all devices, not just communication equipment. He said most of these devices were either homemade or imported from China and Russia.

Iran was concerned about infiltration by Israeli agents, including Iranians on Israel’s payroll and a thorough investigation of personnel has already begun, targeting mid and high-ranking members of the IRGC, added the official, who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter.

“This includes scrutiny of their bank accounts both in Iran and abroad, as well as their travel history and that of their families,” the security official said. (..)

The security official declined to give details on how the IRGC force, comprising 190,000 personnel, are communicating. “For now, we are using end-to-end encryption in messaging systems,” he said.


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destroycommunism | September 23, 2024 at 10:30 am

the christians in lebanon have always prayed that the israelis would come back in ..maybe the dem backed hezzies will leave for eqypt and the good people of lebanon will get their wish

Dolce Far Niente | September 23, 2024 at 10:44 am

For all those Jewhaters who claim Israel is committing genocide… when in the history of warfare has one side telephoned its enemies to tell them where they were going to strike so that civilians could get out of the way?

Whitewall | September 23, 2024 at 10:54 am

According to the UN treaty, the Hezzies can be proper terrorists north of the river. Do they become bad terrorists if they operate south of the river?

Smoke signals

destroycommunism | September 23, 2024 at 11:26 am

cnn CONTINUES to have pro hezz/hamas “Writers” push the lefts narrative

and she was already cited at least once back in 2023 for her pov and biased “writings” for the warmongers:

from 2023:

Tamara Qiblawi will delete a string of anti-Israel and pro-terror comments on social media, according to C


she calls hezzie attacks as

“lashing” out

“Yet the compulsion to lash out has rare”


forceful attack since confrontations at the Israel-Lebanon border began last October.

you can go read the rest of its screed if you care

Isnt it interesting how silent the left is when it comes to Hesbullah targeting Israeli population centres VERSUS Israel targeting Hamas and Hesbullah that sometimes leads to the deaths of civilians who are being used as human shields.

When that happens the left is apoplectic with RWAAAAAAAGE at the juices for civilians dying in the cross fire.

But when it involves Hamas and Hesbullah DELIBERATELY targeting Israeli civilians…fucking crickets from the left.

Why its almost as if the left wants dead Jews?

Western leadership’s emasculated, meek, and submissive posture of total dhimmitude with respect to unrelenting and innumerable Muslim supremacist/Islamofascist terrorist attacks visited against targets in Europe and in the U.S. since the 1970’s, is simply contemptible and indefensible.

Israel should not be alone in this fight against the ideological predecessor/successor to German national socialism, but, it is. What a sad commentary on the west’s moral cowardice and stupidity.

Also the left gets incredibly outraged when a child dies in the cross fire BUT I guarantee you the left has no idea the names of the children murdered by Hamas on October 7.

catscradle | September 23, 2024 at 12:48 pm

This is not targeted bombing. It is called carpet bombing.

We will simply kill everyone. Why? Because we can.

“There is no difference between Hezbollah and Lebanon. Lebanon will be annihilated. It will cease to exist.”

— Israel’s Minister of Education

    Virginia42 in reply to catscradle. | September 23, 2024 at 1:13 pm

    So you clearly have no clue what carpet bombing actually is. Nor do I particularly care what the Minister of Education has to say. Grow up.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to catscradle. | September 23, 2024 at 3:14 pm

    Netanyahu to Lebanese people: ‘We’re not at war with you, please get out of harm’s way’

    guyjones in reply to catscradle. | September 23, 2024 at 6:48 pm

    Show me a state actor in human history, other than Israel, who takes the time and effort to notify civilians to evacuate an area, in advance of an attack upon the Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists who are waging unrelenting and genocidal Islamic “holy war” upon it.

    No else has done this — only Israel does it, because it holds itself to a high moral standard in warfare, and, because of the absurd and hypocritical double standards that the leftist and Dhimmi-crat vilifiers and slanderers of Israel impose upon it.

    Milhouse in reply to catscradle. | September 24, 2024 at 2:44 am

    There is no difference between Hizballah and Lebanon. If Hizballah launches a full scale war against Israel, Israel will destroy Lebanon, because that is whom it will be at war with. Is there any reason it shouldn’t?!

US announces it’s sending troops to the Middle East and warns Americans to leave Lebanon

catscradle | September 23, 2024 at 1:44 pm

At least 274 killed, 1024 wounded in Israeli airstrikes across Lebanon

    Milhouse in reply to catscradle. | September 24, 2024 at 3:01 am

    At least 274 killed, 1024 wounded in Israeli airstrikes across Lebanon

    And how many of those are not terrorists? Almost none. Certainly not an excessive number.

    Compare to any allied attack on Germany in WW2. Did we give a sh*t about German civilians?!

catscradle | September 23, 2024 at 1:50 pm

Since 1977, bombing areas with a concentration of civilians is considered a war crime under Article 51 of Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions.

Israeli forces drop massive bombs on Aitron, Zabqin, Belida, Al-Tiri, Deir Serian cities in southern Lebanon.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to catscradle. | September 23, 2024 at 3:10 pm

    Sez you.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to catscradle. | September 23, 2024 at 3:16 pm

    Bennett: ‘Many in Lebanon paid to store Hezbollah rockets in their homes’

    destroycommunism in reply to catscradle. | September 23, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    you then dont understand what a war really is all about

    Milhouse in reply to catscradle. | September 24, 2024 at 2:58 am

    (1). That’s not what it says.

    It says “The civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, shall not be the object of attack.” They’re not.

    It says “Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited”, and defines them to include “those which are not directed at a specific military objective”. That’s not happening.

    It says “an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.” That’s not happening either.

    So much for the protocol. But much more importantly:

    (2). Israel is not a party to Protocol 1. I will repeat that, so it gets through your skull: Israel is not a party to Protocol 1. That means it doesn’t matter what Protocol 1 says, or whether Israel is complying with it, because it has no obligation to do so. Protocol 1 is no more relevant to Israel than the laws of China. Accusing it of breaching Protocol 1 is like accusing you of breaking some law in Nepal.

    Israel complies with Protocol 1 not because it has some sort of duty to do so, but because it chooses to. I think that’s a foolish choice, and one day it will stop so choosing, and then you’ll see what a “violation” actually looks like.

I think your headline is backwards. First, civilians were advised to evacuate. Afterwards the attacks began.

Arthur Chester | September 24, 2024 at 11:55 am

If you listen to dems or cnn or msnbc or nytimes or American university people,

you would conclude that hizbula and israel are bickering over who gets the last piece of pumpkin pie.

For centuries, a large segment of islam has treated Jews and anything Jewish as beneath contempt “pigs and dogs”

They filmed themselves on Oct 7

They bragged about Oct7

They proclaimed proudly of future October 7 -like massacres abductions large and small

AND YET!!!!!! lololol remarkably, many in the west set around sipping tea chatting about a little bit of thousand a little bit of that. Ad infenitum

Iran hezbala hamas houti actively trying to destroy the west, actively killing nonmuslims for being nonmuslims, and on cnn and at us state department it seems the focus is on the shade of drapery. The flavor of the pie for desert.

Destroying other peoples countries and economies used to be rather frowned upon.

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