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What Happened at Mizzou Could Happen at Any School

What Happened at Mizzou Could Happen at Any School

“Stronger leadership would have better navigated the incidents and protests”

In a recent post at The Federalist, Nathanael Blake suggests that the problem at Mizzou and potentially any other school is weak leadership.

What Happened At Mizzou Could Happen At Most U.S. Universities

The University of Missouri had it coming. Still, I pity the school. Each ill tiding, from declining enrollment to dorm closings to budget shortfalls and layoffs, is more than a headline here. I’ve heard about it at church, on sports fields, at eateries and elsewhere.

Informed local alumni can recount the detailed backstory of university infighting that led to these spectacular failures of leadership, but no one, not even university officials, pretends the real culprit is anything other than what everyone saw on the national news: out-of-control campus protests, the football team trying to use a boycott threat to take control of the university, and a professor demanding “some muscle over here” to violate the rights of a student journalist.

Stronger leadership would have better navigated the incidents and protests, perhaps heading off the excesses that so sullied Mizzou’s reputation. But as subsequent events at campuses across the country have shown, Mizzou is hardly unique; its problems are endemic in America’s colleges and universities. There is a moral and intellectual emptiness at the heart of American higher education, which campus radicals, boiling over with sanctimony and purpose, seek to fill. Universities are vulnerable to domination by left-wing radicals, not because they are led by radicals, but because they are led by hollow men and women.


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There is a valuable lesson to be learned here. Will other universities and public institutions learn it?

    HamiltonNJ in reply to Paul. | August 8, 2017 at 12:25 pm

    When enrollment drops and the alumni stop sending in donations they might get the message…

“There is a moral and intellectual emptiness at the heart of American higher education, which campus radicals, boiling over with sanctimony and purpose, seek to fill. Universities are vulnerable to domination by left-wing radicals, not because they are led by radicals, but because they are led by hollow men and women.”

Those hollow men and women are the professors. If these institutes of higher learning required their employees to avoid interjecting their personal opinions and politics into their syllabi and lectures, they wouldn’t have these problems. Our entire educational system is indoctrinating our kids instead of teaching them to think and form their own opinions.

The school year is starting up again, so we’ll see the campus “protests” starting again soon.
How many times do you think Berkeley will burn this year?
Some schools may learn the lesson. Others won’t.

The universities have hired exclusively for 25 years Democrats because they were leftists, not because they could teach or were actually accomplished in anything other than left wing polemics. So that is what they are left with, each trying to out do the other.
Students see this and assume that strident left wing belief is the way to success.

…any school that lets itself get punked by race hustlers.

One of the reasons it can happen anywhere, is there is a severe lack of leadership, period, in Higher Education. Just because you may be in the front does not make you a leader. Likely you are just in the way!

A cure may be massive doses of testosterone?