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Podesta’s Center for American Progress Proposes “Marshall Plan for America”

Podesta’s Center for American Progress Proposes “Marshall Plan for America”

Surprise! Their “recovery program” fosters dependency on government

The Marshall Plan, aka the European Recovery Program, was devised as a means of rebuilding a decimated Europe after World War II. The radical left apparently recognizes, if not accepts ownership of, the decimation their policies have wreaked on America and its people because they are now proposing a “Marshall Plan for America” designed to “rebuild” the America they’ve all-but-destroyed.

John Podesta’s Center for American Progress (CAP) is the leader of this plan, signalling that the “centrist” Hillary Clinton arm of the Democratic Party has embraced the socialist-Democrat wing headed up by Bernie Sanders.

CAP is suddenly concerned with the white American working and middle classes “left behind” by the regressive left’s identity politics, income redistribution efforts, and SJW fervor.  Their solution to the “forgotten man”?  More central planning, slightly muted but still prevalent identity politics, and of course and always, more income redistribution.

In a multi-authored treatise entitled “Toward a Marshall Plan for America: Rebuilding Our Towns, Cities, and the Middle Class,” CAP writes:

[D]iscussions of broad inequality may mask a central truth: There is acute economic pain for those who have not gone to college, regardless of race. Amongst white voters in the U.S. election, college attainment was the central variant in vote change from the 2012 to the 2016 election. These underlying economic and social grievances, and the political forces feeding these sentiments, work against progressive policy options by reducing support for collective action that improves the well-being of all people while encouraging divisions that serve more individualistic and conservative ends.3 Reactionary forces on the far right—most notably, Donald Trump and his allies—have exploited to full effect the rising tensions between divergent groups, producing a zero-sum political climate where the gains of rising minority populations are perceived to come at the loss of shrinking white populations.

But this is a false choice. Indeed, we must not choose between addressing the economic concerns of people—of all races—who have been left behind by our economy and protecting the civil rights of people of color. We can and must do both. As progressives, we must fight for and represent the economic and social interests of all working people.

And the solution, of course, is a stronger, more powerful central government that will address these “economic and social interests of all working people.”

CAP is there, putting together a new commission that will rebuild America . . . and incidentally help Democrats regain votes among the American working and middle classes who rejected them so resoundingly last November.

After all, these (Trump) voters are “disrupting politics.”  Their politics.  Therefore, these deplorables from Podunk, USA must be sold on their regressive agenda and appeased, their votes won with goodies from the taxpayer-funded Democrat goodie locker.

The truth is, progressives should be as concerned about the declining fortunes of those who do not go to college as any other group. Not because they are disrupting politics—though they are—but because they are our brothers and sisters too. An economic vision that puts the challenges of the noncollege educated at the forefront of our policies will help us to carry out our progressive values and build a Bobby Kennedy-style coalition—one that can unite working people of all races behind an agenda to improve their economic security, reduce divisions between groups, and improve the standing of the nation as a whole.

Ah yes, we are “brothers and sisters” now that we’ve decimated the political representation of the regressive left’s Democrats in over a thousand seats at the local, state, and federal level.

They’ve finally understood that they can’t win without us, so now we matter.  How inspiring.

Not only that, but the commission proposed by CAP will target us at every level.

The commission will be composed of national, regional, and local leaders who can provide direction and visibility to its work. It will call upon the expertise of urban and rural leaders who represent labor, business, education, health, faith, community and economic development, and racial justice to help understand the problem; lift up promising practices; and develop bold new ideas, particularly for people who did not attend college.

Amidst overall economic growth, urban centers, small towns and rural areas, and regions facing deindustrialization have suffered decades of neglect, leading to widespread frustration and disillusionment with Washington and spurring voters to either stay home or take a chance on a candidate who promised to blow up the system.

In the aftermath of an election in which rural and urban voters came to view one another with suspicion while both suffered from decades of disinvestment, the time is ripe for a policy agenda and accompanying message that underscores the common cause among struggling Americans and outlines solutions that unite them.

To curry favor with these voters, CAP’s Marshall Plan proposes a jobs guarantee that would do Stalin proud.

The low wages and low employment rates for those without college degrees only exist because of a failure of imagination. There is no shortage of important work that needs to be done in our country. There are not nearly enough home care workers to aid the aged and disabled. Many working families with children under the age of 5 need access to affordable child care. Schools need teachers’ aides, and cities need EMTs. And there is no shortage of people who could do this work. What has been missing is policy that can mobilize people.

To solve this problem, we propose a large-scale, permanent program of public employment and infrastructure investment—similar to the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the Great Depression but modernized for the 21st century. It will increase employment and wages for those without a college degree while providing needed services that are currently out of reach for lower-income households and cash-strapped state and local governments. Furthermore, some individuals may be hired into paying public jobs in which their primary duty will be to complete intensive, full-time training for high-growth, in-demand occupations. These “public apprenticeships” could include rotations with public and private entities to gain on-the-ground experience and lead to guaranteed private-sector employment upon successful completion of training.

The federal government, then, will train workers (at taxpayer expense) in areas it deems necessary and then will “guarantee” private-sector employment (again, presumably, at taxpayer expense). Somehow.

CAP trumpets the merits of this jobs guarantee program, only barely attempting to conceal the fact that this “jobs guarantee” comes from the federal government.  You’re not a government employee, after all, if the government is merely “guaranteeing” your “private-sector” job.

Three other aspects of this public employment program should be noted. First, by creating tighter labor markets, such a proposal would put upward pressure on wages, raising incomes for workers not directly taking a public job. Second, because it would employ people to provide services that are currently needed but unaffordable, it would not compete with existing private-sector employment. Finally, it would provide the dignity of work, the value of which is significant. When useful work is not available, there are large negative consequences, ranging from depression, to a decline in family stability, to “deaths of despair.”

To sum up, CAP’s “Marshall Plan for America” recognizes, at long last, that they too-soon alienated the white working and middle class voter, that they want to remedy this failure by jobs guarantees from the federal government, and that they hope, as this “plan” makes clear, to promise, tax and spend their way back on top in terms of political influence.

The BuzzFeed crew are thrilled by this plan. Of course.

The plan’s radicalism, CAP President Neera Tanden told me, is aimed at a jobs crisis that they’re talking about with an urgency that was absent from the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration.

“The problem is gigantic. And we can’t be indifferent to it. If we continue to be than both the economy and the democracy will unravel,” Tanden said. And the spur, she said, isn’t just the current president: “It’s Trumpism, Brexiters, National Frontism.”

Democrats’ opportunity is to deliver on the explicit and implicit promises that Trump abandoned once he was elected: expanded and improved health care and large-scale jobs programs, cost no object. And that opportunity comes as the party’s economic left — its social democratic wing, as it used to be called — finds new footing. Sanders proved Democrats could pitch unabashed government action in the economy without upsetting primary voters — or even, almost inexplicably, getting criticized for plans to raise taxes. And the new plan from CAP drew grudging praise even from thinkers who had basically given up on the established Democratic Party.

“Some Democratic leaders are beginning to realize that Trump is a symptom of a political and commercial system that they had a role in mismanaging,” said Matt Stoller, a former Sanders aide in the Senate now at the New America Foundation. “As a result they are inching their way toward rethinking their agenda.”

The solution, they insist, is not to Make America Great Again but to unmake, completely, America as we know it.

The jobs plan is the bluntest sign of this shift, but the party appears to be inching its way toward another pillar of social democracy: government-funded health care.

“What happened in the presidential campaign is that Bernie ran explicitly in support of a Medicare-for-all approach” — a simple framework for single-payer — “and what the politicians saw is that voters were fine with that,” said Vermont Rep. Peter Welch, a longtime advocate of single payer.

They’re calling it “social democracy”—not the more literal and oxymoronic “socialist democracy”—these days.  And yes, it means the same anti-American usurpation of Americans’ liberty and self determination; it means totalitarian, central control of every aspect of one’s life . . . just as it’s always meant by every other name.


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The ONLY way I could support this is if Europe paid for all. We have been subsidizing their socialist programs for 70 years now, by defending them through the NATO alliance.

Is this a Stalinesque Five Year plan? Podesta really is a lightning rod for exemplifying the ridiculousness of the left.

Loved your emails, John!

When Podesta came out on election night instead of Hillary he became irrelevant. MAGA!

Sounds a lot like the Communist Manifesto, but more fuzzy-minded and not as well written.

the Democrats screw up and expect everyone else to pay for it.

Since when did not having a college education mean that you were a stupid victim? All the people that voted for Trump were without a college degrees? I just love when politicians temp me with goodies because I am sooooooo stupid, and talk to me like an errant child. All I can say to them is FUCK YOU COCKSUCKERS.

    Shane in reply to Shane. | May 27, 2017 at 7:26 pm

    Also to follow up .. how is mummies basement working for you Social Basket Weaving major? I am sure the stupid welder, and pipe fitter feels bad for your lack of job.

      Walker Evans in reply to Shane. | May 28, 2017 at 12:38 am

      “I am sure the stupid welder, and pipe fitter feels bad for your lack of job.”

      The “stupid welder, and pipe fitter” are making upwards of $80k per year while the obviously smarter folk are in college making zilch, learning to be fascist SJW’s, and gaining the skills necessary to stand in unemployment lines. Actually, I think the employed tradesmen are laughing in derision!

    Squires in reply to Shane. | May 27, 2017 at 8:09 pm

    I particularly liked the “…but because they are our brothers and sisters too.

    What do they want me to say to that?

    Oh, thank you masa’!

    They want more emotional and economic dependents in a particular demographic. I’ve heard the same warning from black American conservatives/libertarians for years: What the Democrat party has done to black American communities was a test run for what they will do to white Americans, given the chance.

    Simultaneously playing “both sides of the coin” with identity politics wouldn’t be anything new to them. The Democrat party used to do it with Catholics and the Klan, and they do it at present with black Americans and illegals from south of the border.

    That’s an insult to c*********s.

    George Carlin – 7 Words You Can’t Say On TV:

    They shouldn’t be said here, either.

    Potty-mouths are for democrats suffering from protracted adolescence, and additionally frustrated by their impotence to bend the will of those with common sense.

    C. Lashown in reply to Shane. | May 27, 2017 at 10:43 pm

    IF THOSE ARE THE THREE WORDS YOU USE while screaming at the Democrats, they’re probably think you’re asking them for a date.


Jesus, how pathetic.

sjf_control | May 27, 2017 at 7:32 pm

“There is acute economic pain for those who have not gone to college, regardless of race.”
There is also acute economic pain for those who HAVE gone to college due to financial debt. Guess we’re all screwed.

    Yeah…Funny how they leave that part out….

    Observer in reply to sjf_control. | May 27, 2017 at 10:07 pm

    There’s also acute economic pain for those American IT workers who have had their jobs taken by cheaper H-1B visa holders, and for American senior citizens who have seen their savings devastated by years of zero and near-zero interest rates, and for American homeowners whose home values have plummeted while their property taxes have skyrocketed to pay for all the government services provided to illegal aliens . . . .

Affordable may cost less than “free”.

The rate of immigration should not exceed the rate of assimilation and integration before Pro-Choice/selective-child.

Americans want to be productive. Smoothing functions (e.g. welfare) are effective and profitable in the short-term; but, in the long-term, they are first-order forcings of spiritual destruction and progressive corruption.

End Obama’s elective wars from Africa to the Middle East to Eastern Europe. Stop the redistributive people schemes (e.g. refugee crises) used to coverup the collateral damage from those man-made conflicts.

Stop the high-density people packing schemes in urban jungles and gerrymandering through redistributive people funded by redistributive change.

Revitalization. Rehabilitation. Reconciliation.

Economic development, not welfare industry, not insourcing, not outsourcing, not labor and regulatory arbitrage.

Self-reliance, not government dependence. Social reliance is a secondary, not primary method.

Individual dignity and intrinsic value, not [class] diversity and selective-child.

Perhaps a Marshall Plan for Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and other places affected by Obama’s elective wars. It would have mitigated the progress of catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform forced by human-made conflicts.



pretty much the T-rumpian economic plan. Big and BIGGER govt. directing the economy from above.

One of teh great things I learned from “BREXIT: The Movie” was that the Marshall Plan gave MUCH more to GB than to Germany. Yet Germany was a booming, robust powerhouse in a few years, while GB was still languishing in rationing and want.

The difference was free trade.

    Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | May 27, 2017 at 10:19 pm

    I guffaw at you T-rump sucking, ignorant myrmidons who don’t credit BOTH Der Donald and Bernie Sanders with their mutual admiration expressions.

    You idiots just make me laugh…

      Walker Evans in reply to Ragspierre. | May 28, 2017 at 12:56 am

      When I first found LI your posts seemed serious and enlightening; now they have devolved into primarily vapid name-calling. You use the occasional “two dollar” word we’re apparently supposed to be too ignorant to understand, with the general tone indicating you believe us your intellectual inferiors.

      It shames me that I used to look up to you. I hope you can resolve the personal demons that have lead you to spewing vitriol rather than contributing to the generally adult discussions here.

        sdharms in reply to Walker Evans. | May 28, 2017 at 6:04 am

        Walker Evans you stated my thoughts EXACTLY. I used to use the “find” feature to find Rags comments. I feel a loss.

They are still pretending that they got beat by uneducated white men. The Basket of Deplorables was a whole lot bigger than that.

buckeyeminuteman | May 27, 2017 at 10:13 pm

Perfect! Anyone currently on welfare or applying for welfare must begin working for the good of the country. You want government money? Clean up trash, fix potholes, build bike and hiking trails, wash government vehicle fleets, plow snow, etc. There’s no need to give out more money, just get a return on the freebies we’re already doling out.

[D]iscussions of broad inequality may mask a central truth: There is acute economic pain for those who have not gone to college, regardless of race.

Ho Lee Crap! I started reading that, and what followed, but I had to stop.

I could feel it sucking my IQ lower & lower.

The Democrats are like a mechanic from heII who works on your car continuously, never fixing it, but instead, each time causing something else on it to go wrong – with his bill ever-mounting.

Hey, Podesta, your Water Closet(s) are leaking, and your balls of yarn are unwinding. The DNC is covered with devaluation of capital and labor (e.g. redistributive change), [class] diversity (e.g. racism, sexism), elective wars (from Africa, including oil rich Libya, to the Middle East to Eastern Europe, perhaps Russian nuclear technology), and the lucrative parts of babies deemed unworthy; and the RNC doesn’t exactly smell like roses.

Anti-capitalist practices (e.g. monopolies and practices), elective wars that force refugee crises, outsourcing/insourcing after Planned Parenthood, redistributive change (e.g. the lucrative welfare industry, financial schemes to sustain high-density population centers), and the progressive cost of assets (e.g. homes), education, etc., are first-order forcings of recurring catastrophic anthropogenic economic resets (CAER).

    n.n in reply to n.n. | May 28, 2017 at 2:12 am

    CAER and catastrophic anthropogenic cost of living (CACL).

    Tapping into granny’s savings, huh?

    That said, while the face of CAER and CACL are clearly marked with an Ass, the rump has certain features characteristic of pachyderms.

Cultural Marxism with “shovel ready” work just waiting to be done. For Democrats it is always the 1930s or the 1960s. Naturally, Washington knows best and wants to run it all. Let’s see, this group gets this work and that group gets those jobs…and so it will go.