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Blatant Double Standards Week in Higher Education

Blatant Double Standards Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

Free speech on campus is supposed to be for everyone but the left doesn’t see it that way.

Some things just can’t be said out loud.

Yale has fallen so far.

How is this OK?

All leftism, all the time.

What a surprise.

How privileged of them.


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The complaint can be seen at this LI post,

The plaintiffs are very shrewd here, choosing just to name this guy as the sole defendant (a separate suit might come later against the recruited students), suing him in his individual capacity. He’s also named in his “official” capacity, whatever that might mean since the school is not named as a defendant. Presumably he was not acting as any sort of agent of the school in this matter since his official capacity was to teach, not act as a grounds keeper.

He may try to turn the tables and offer in his defense that he was in fact authorized by the school to do what he did, seeking then to have the school named as a defendant. But the school has put up roadblocks to that attempt, with its president effectively throwing him under the bus with his (the president’s) statements on the incident.

This case could be a winner.

This thug needs to be taught that the entire United States is a free speech zone.