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University Suggests Microaggressions ‘May Impact Suicide Risk’

University Suggests Microaggressions ‘May Impact Suicide Risk’

“risk for the LGBTQ+ community,”

If a student is contemplating suicide, perhaps there are bigger factors at play than microaggressions.

The Daily Caller reports:

University: Microaggressions ‘May Impact Suicide Risk’

A California university suggested that microaggressions “may impact suicide risk for the LGBTQ+ community” and plans to host three workshops to educate the public about the issue.

California State University, Channel Islands, hosted a two events yesterday: a Microaggressions and the LGBTQ+ Community Discussion and an Introductory Microaggressions Workshop.

“Through discussion and experiential activities we will examine how microaggressions may impact suicide risk for the LGBTQ+ community,” reads the first event description.

“Microaggressions are subtle but offensive comments/actions toward a minority or other non-dominant group, which are often unintentional or unconsciously reinforce a stereotype,” says the introductory workshop’s description.


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