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Mia Love’s moving speech at the March for Life closes a circle

Mia Love’s moving speech at the March for Life closes a circle

A five year journey from unknown candidate to moral leader.

Mia Love, Republican Congresswoman from Utah, gave what many consider to be the most moving speech at the March for Life.

Those of you who have been around here for a long time will remember that we were the first website in the conservative movement to write about her candidacy, in early January 2012, and we helped launch media coverage of her campaign, Mia B. Love – A conservative political star rises in … Utah:

If you haven’t heard of Ludmya “Mia” B. Love before, you will be hearing a lot more about her.  Mia has the potential to be the next big thing in conservative politics. And you heard about her here first! …

I reached out to Mia recently and she was kind enough to call me.  We had a great discussion.   Mia is pro-life, pro-Tea Party, pro-Israel, and pro-2nd Amendment.  (In case you were wondering, the rifle her husband gave her as a first gift was a Marlin .22 caliber with a stainless steel barrel and scope, and she packs a Glock 26 9 mm.)

Mother, runner, shooter, Mayor, small government conservative who got into politics for the right reasons, unafraid to take on the powers that be … I know you’re thinking what I’m thinking.

I’m making Utah-04 one of my focus races for 2012, and will do what I can to help Mia get the nomination and defeat Matheson.

This was her first campaign video, released just a few days before I spoke with her, and one of my favorites for the energy:

No one gave Mia a chance to get the nomination against established Republican candidates. But Mia unexpectedly won the Republican nomination at the convention by a huge margin. She lost the 2012 general election by only a few hundred votes but came back and ran again in 2014:

I remember calling her when her campaign was in its infancy, and she actually picked up her cell phone and gave me an interview as she was in the car driving to an event.  She seemed so happy that someone, anyone, was calling with interest in her candidacy.

Back then, when I Googled her name for background, there were so few mentions of her that most of the search results went to — well, you can imagine with a name like “Mia B. Love” that some of the search hits were not about her and NSFW.

Mia came on strong as the conservative blogosphere rallied around her and brought attention to her campaign. She won the Republican nomination at the convention, but lost the general election by a few hundred votes to Jim Matheson, a long-serving Democratic incumbent who repeatedly defied the odds in a Republican district.

Now Mia’s running again, and the polls show her far in the lead…

This time Mia won easily against a different Democrat, after Matheson retired.

I called that win “one of the most satisfying moments for Legal Insurrection“:

I have no illusions that Mia or any other politician can fulfill all our expectations. She will be under tremendous pressure from Republican leadership and others. But there also is no doubt that we are better off having Mia in Congress.

Mia Love still would have been a rock star and made history even without Legal Insurrection’s involvement.

Yet, that we and the readership were involved from the outset, long before the Republican establishment caught on, is particularly satisfying to me. I like to think it’s one of the things we do best.

We don’t get to close many circles in our coverage. Mia’s speech at The March for Life on January 27, 2017, was another satisfying moment and closing of a circle.

I think back to those earliest days, and see how she has developed over these five years not just into a political leader, but a moral leader.

If Mia Love’s speech at the March for Life doesn’t move you, check your pulse to make sure your heart is still beating.


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and, the first thing she did when she got to SC was vote to re-elect Boner as SotH…

color me underwhelmed, absent some demonstration of conservative principles… lets see if she supports President Trump or the RINOs of the GOPe

    Tom Servo in reply to redc1c4. | January 28, 2017 at 1:18 am

    Respectfully, I suggest that you do not understand the nature of the civil war we are currently involved in. Mia Love has a unique position; she is a black woman who is brilliant, well spoken and who will willingly participate in conservative functions, where everyone can see her. She antagonizes and infuriates the left just by her very existence. They hate her not because of what she says or does, but because of what she is.

    And because of that, she is a weapon to use against them. She is a symbol, a beacon shining on their hypocrisy. And the speeches she gives are great as well.

    These are not normal times, these are not civil times, we do not live in peace. We are at war, and we need every weapon we have. We can’t afford peacetime niceties of wondering whether our weapons are as perfect as we wish they could be; we use everything we have and just hope we have enough to prevail.

      healthguyfsu in reply to Tom Servo. | January 28, 2017 at 1:36 am

      I agree. There’s principled and there’s situational awareness. I have no problem giving Mia a pass for the Boehner vote because she was a first-time Junior senator. At that point, you don’t make waves within your own party if you want to survive.

      She could have stood on her principles, but then she’d have nothing to stand on at all in a few years. Better to live to fight another day and be ready to fight the good fight when you can make an impact.

        redc1c4 in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 28, 2017 at 2:15 am

        i’m old school…

        deeds, not words.

        i grok strategy, tactics and patience, but i haven’t seen any spark of tactical or strategic thinking from her. |

        absent that, i am less than impressed. if i’ve missed something, please enlighten me.

          Tom Servo in reply to redc1c4. | January 28, 2017 at 12:00 pm

          What you’ve missed is that Mia Love is not like other representatives – I am overjoyed that she speaks with such passion, and impressed with her intellectual skills – but those things are just icing on the cake.

          She is important because her existence is a dagger through the heart of the pretense that the entire progressive edifice is built upon, and that comes about because of who she IS, not what she does.

          Life is unfair, and it’s always a bit difficult to face up to that unfairness. We value tactical and strategic thinkers, but the sad fact is that people with those talents are a dime a dozen. People like you and I may be great at those things, but we’ll never have what it takes to have a rock-star impact on modern society.

          Mia Love has Got It. And she’s on our side. In the final analysis, nothing else matters.

          redc1c4 in reply to redc1c4. | January 30, 2017 at 2:45 pm

          “People like you and I may be great at those things, but we’ll never have what it takes to have a rock-star impact on modern society.

          Mia Love has Got It. And she’s on our side. In the final analysis, nothing else matters.”

          bull5hit: image is the provenance of the non-performer.

          if all she is is a pretty face and a space on the PC bingo card, you’re no different than the Dems gushing over Hillary or Obama.

          count me out.

Notice the difference in the calibre of speakers between this March and the woman’s March?

This March was all about hope and life. The woman’s March was nothing but hate and vitriol yet it continues to get coverage out if all disproportion to what it could ever achieve. Why it’s almost as if the meeeja sees lots in the hate March they directly identify with!!


I had a woman scream at me “how dare they tell a woman what to do with her body!!!!”

So when I pointed out all the female speakers, she shifted gears and said they were evil and traitorous to women.

So I asked her how does a man tell which woman to listen to, she called me an idiot.

I asked her why I should listen to a woman like her who is obviously hostile to me rather than listen to one of the women speakers who were kind and gracious, she called me an asshole and walked away.

And that my friends summarizes the Women’s March

    Arminius in reply to PhillyGuy. | January 28, 2017 at 8:13 pm

    I’m perfectly fine with a woman doing what she likes with her own body. But what when a sperm unites with an egg, we are talking about a different body.