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Alan Dershowitz Calls Obama ‘One of the Worst Foreign Policy Presidents Ever’

Alan Dershowitz Calls Obama ‘One of the Worst Foreign Policy Presidents Ever’

“What he did was so nasty, he pulled a bait and switch.”

Liberal attorney and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz criticized President Barack Obama’s foreign policy after the U.S. did use its veto power at the UN to end a resolution on Israeli settlements. He said:

“He will go down in history, President Obama, as one of the worst foreign policy presidents ever,” Dershowitz said during a Monday interview on Fox & Friends. “What he did to Syria, and what he was partly responsible for happening in Aleppo, creating a vacuum for Russia. …

“Look, I supported his domestic policy. I liked him on Supreme Court appointments. But he created a terrible conflict for people, many like me liberal Democrats who support his domestic policy, but think he was an appalling – appalling – president when it came to foreign policy. He hurt America so badly.”

Dershowitz then went off on his decision to abstain from the vote on the resolution that condemned Jewish settlements over the 1949 armistice lines. He continued:

“That’s not the way policy should be made.” Dershowitz said of Obama’s feud with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. “To get even in the lame-duck period, when there are no checks and balances and you don’t have to worry about any election. It”s the most undemocratic thing a president can do to tie the hands of his successor during the lame-duck period.”

Dershowitz accused President Obama of dishonest regarding the resolution. “What he did was so nasty, he pulled a bait and switch. He told the American public this is all about the settlements deep in the West Bank. And yet, he allowed he representative to the U.N. to abstain –which is really a vote for– a resolution that says the Jews can’t pray at the Western Wall…Jews can’t live in the Jewish Quarter [of Jerusalem] where they have lived for thousands of years. And he’s going to say, ‘Whoops! I didn’t mean that!’ Well read the resolution! You’re a lawyer, you went to Harvard Law School.”

“He called me into the Oval Office before the election…and he told me he would always have Israel’s back. I didn’t realize what he meant is that he would have Israel’s back so he could stab them in the back.” he added.


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DieJustAsHappy | December 27, 2016 at 3:06 pm

Sorry, Alan, no cigar for you. BHO’s domestic policy was equally appalling as his foreign one.
Worst President of the United States ever on all counts!

Just goes to show you can take the boy out of Muslim Indonesia but you can’t take the Muslim out of the boy. Under Al-Chicagi’s mis-rule, traditional allies are given short shrift, Russia and China turn up the heat while he shrinks our military and then he goes and stabs Israel in the back. Professor Dershowitz’ comments are correct, our stature in the world has suffered.

Devout Jews who support Israel have now been forced into a hard choice by Obama – Hold fast to your belief in Israel and support Trump, of choose to continue as a liberal democrat and admit you are abandoning Israel, your faith, and your heritage forever.

No more splitting the difference – the choice is upon you. Israel, or the democrat party. Which one is your true religion? Before man and God, Choose.

    Milhouse in reply to Tom Servo. | December 27, 2016 at 3:44 pm

    Very few “devout Jews” are Democrats. Some, but not a lot.

      casualobserver in reply to Milhouse. | December 27, 2016 at 5:54 pm

      You may mean “othodox” or traditional. I know quite a few devout Jews around NYC and LA who support nearly every Democrat they can. In those places it’s cultural. They are unwilling to go against the massive majority. And those cities alone account for a big chunk of the Jewish population. Jews in Florida may be a little less “intimidated” since many are retired.

He told the American public this is all about the settlements deep in the West Bank. And yet, he allowed he representative to the U.N. to abstain –which is really a vote for– a resolution that says the Jews can’t pray at the Western Wall…Jews can’t live in the Jewish Quarter [of Jerusalem] where they have lived for thousands of year

What is the difference between the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and the “deep west bank”, where Jews have also lived for thousands of years? And why the continued use of the peculiar term “west bank”, which only makes sense in terms of Transjordan’s illegal 19-year annexation?

I’m not sure if I am complimented that a Harvard law professor agrees with me, a lowly shovellor of sh!t, on Obama’s foreign policy debacles.

Maybe the “Dersh” is just a run of the mill dumba$$ too 😉

There’s a sucker born every minute, and quite a few of them are over-educated, hyper-intelligent idiots like Dershowitz.

If he has an gram of intellectual honesty and self-awareness he must be suffering from the knowledge that he supported Obama. This guilt will accompany him for the rest of his life – and, I daresay, beyond.

    casualobserver in reply to great unknown. | December 27, 2016 at 5:58 pm

    By about year 5 or 6 or so I regretted supporting Bush for nearly everything outside of fighting terror and terrorists. So I guess you have plenty of names to fling at me, too.

      great unknown in reply to casualobserver. | December 27, 2016 at 7:00 pm

      If you would run around spouting off on politics and philosophy, arrogating to yourself the mantle of “intellectual”, and telling people how to vote, then indeed, I might aim some opprobrium in your direction. Somehow, in your case, I suspect just an honest mistake.

      For an example of an intellectual I personally respect, I refer you to the just retired Dr. Thomas Sowell. The fundamental difference between the two seems to grow out of one concept: humility.

        casualobserver in reply to great unknown. | December 27, 2016 at 8:27 pm

        So who do you empower to voice opinions about who to vote for, Sarah Palin? I don’t have any ace to grind with her. I kustvpicked her as being different in many ways from Dershowitz. And she tells people who to vote for.

So a third rate affirmative action wanna be lawyer outsmarted a big time HAAAvard law professor two times? Dershey, ol buddy… do you think Hillary would have been any better? Hint: when some idiot appoints Hillary or Kerry as SOS stupid rules.

Perhaps it is time to examine some of the basic assumptions you have been functioning under for years.

…after the U.S. did not use its veto power at the UN…

The Obama traitors didn’t just “fail” or “not” veto the SC Resolution. They crafted, organized, and choreographed the whole stinking mess. This website reported this treachery was coming well in advance. No surprise, but despicable just the same. And he still has weeks during which he can continue to wreak havoc against his enemies. Israel is this Muslim’s greatest enemy. Congress should immediately defund and withdraw from the UN, as should Israel.

I don’t care for The Dersh’s latest last-minute conversion. He could have seen the writing on the wall 8 years ago like the rest of us, when it mattered. Hearing BHO and having a reaction now takes little courage, little brains, and certainly makes no difference.

Typical Leftist.

When comments from fellow Liberal, Jewish, Law Professor fails to have an impact on Obama, you KNOW he intended to screw us, the American people, all along…