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New Hampshire Primary Results

New Hampshire Primary Results

Night of the iguanas

Welcome to our New Hampshire primary liveblog. We’ll be updating periodically, so be sure to refresh your browser for the latest news.

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Trump and Sanders quickly declared winners. WAJ very quick assessment:

Get ready for Team Hillary to play the race card on Bernie — exploiting the tensions between white liberals and Black Lives Matter. She will pander like she’s never pandered before.

On the Republican side, too many survived for any one of them to mount an immediate challege to Trump. Chris Christie committed murder-suicide in taking down Rubio at the last debate without helping himself. Jeb will keep going because he’s so emotionally invested in it – pride comes before a fall. Politico obtained Jeb’s post-NH strategy memo – Bush plans scorched-earth attack on Kasich, Rubio. Kasich will be a one-hit wonder. Cruz is the most viable challenger to Trump.

As of just after midnight and 80% reporting, here is the count:

NH Results Dem

NH Republican Results

So here is how HuffPo is playing the Republican result:

Huffington Post NH Primary Results Trump

Hillary was just, um, ecstatic:

Hillary Clinton Concession Speech NH

Bernie was stoked:

Bernie Sanders NH Victory Speech

The Donald:

Trump NH Victory Speech

Trump NH Victory Speech Family

Worst part of the night? We have to continue to listen to this guy drone on and on:

John Kasich NH Victory Speech 2

The debate mattered –

Marco Rubio NH Results Speech

A good night for Ted Cruz. As of this writing in 3rd Place:

Ted Cruz NH Results Speech

Jeb – so sad:

Jeb Bush NH Result Speech

Legal Insurrection Authors:

Political media reaction:

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