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WATCH: Iron Man delivers a bionic arm to a kid in need

WATCH: Iron Man delivers a bionic arm to a kid in need

We’d like to briefly interrupt Hillary EmailGate and Foreign Policymageddon to bring you this video full of feels. Plus, it’s Friday evening.

Alex is seven and was born with a partially developed right arm. He also has a seriously rad bow tie.

And then there’s Albert. Albert is a phD candidate working towards a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering. He’s also the Executive Director of Limbitless Solutions, a non-profit organization. Utilizing 3D printing technology, he designs and distributes arms and, “encourages children to dream big dreams in engineering.”

Robert Downey Jr. Tony Stark happens to be a bionic expert. He did create Iron Man, after all. So the two teamed up to provide Alex with a one of a kind bionic arm.

The Collective Project, a Microsoft endeavor that, “is about harnessing the power of the many to bring great ideas to life” brought everyone together.

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I think most of the credit here goes to Albert Manero, Tyler Petresky, the rest of the UCF team, Limbitless Solutions and e-Nabling The Future. I’m not clear on what Microsoft’s “The Collective Project” had to do with any of this beyond making the video?

    Fuller version of Alex Pring’s adventure here; also here.

    At the point where Alex’s dream of having two arms seemed to recede more and more, Alyson found out about e-NABLE, an international community of enthusiasts interested in developing and providing 3D printed hands to all who needed them. Albert Manero, UCF graduate student and e-NABLE volunteer, responded to Alyson’s request to help Alex. Albert gathered together a small team of UCF students from different fields; this includes engineering, arts, and nursing. The soon to be called Limbitless Solutions team started their journey with Alex Pring and his family in June of 2014.

    If anyone “owns” this project, UCF does; not Microsoft.

    casualobserver in reply to Amy in FL. | March 13, 2015 at 8:06 pm

    The project provided the money at a minimum. Not a trivial part of the process to make it happen.

    snopercod in reply to Amy in FL. | March 13, 2015 at 8:31 pm

    No bucks, no buck rogers.

Little Alex is going to be the envy of every boy in his neighborhood.

Henry Hawkins | March 13, 2015 at 7:36 pm

God damn it, quit putting lumps in my throat. Makes my curmudgeon schtick nearly impossible.

Robert Downey Jr has turned his life around and is due acknowledgment. He does a lifetime-solid for this kid and his family. I understand he wanted his fellow Avenger actors to get equal compensation. He apparently walks the talk.

I’m sure there’s some dick move I’m missing that will get thrown in my face, but I’m unaware. Not endorsing his entire life, just saying….