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Media missing in action on Fast and Furious

Media missing in action on Fast and Furious

Sharyl Attkisson: “We should all be embarrassed.”

Sharyl Attkisson is one of the few journalists working today who clearly puts her profession above partisan politics.

She recently appeared on WMAL radio in Washington, DC to discuss the Fast and Furious scandal and others as well as the media’s refusal to aggressively report these stories.

From Larry O’Connor at the Washington Free Beacon:

Attkisson on Media Fast and Furious Coverage: ‘We Should All Be Embarrassed’

Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson thinks the media “should all be embarrassed” for not holding the Obama administration and the Holder Justice Department accountable for their lack of transparency in the Fast and Furious gun walking scandal.

Appearing on WMAL radio in Washington, D.C., Friday morning, Attkisson provided a detailed account of Thursday’s court decision forcing the DOJ to finally reveal a list of documents the administration has concealed from Congress via a claim of executive privilege. The court order released on the same day as Holder’s surprise announcement of his resignation has led many to speculate that, perhaps, the two stories are not unrelated.

When I asked Attkisson about the fact that the Holder has been forced to reveal the documents only after a FOIA request from the non-profit advocacy group Judicial Watch (the same group that successfully compelled similar disclosures in the Benghazi scandal as well as the IRS scandal) Attkisson turned her focus on the media’s apparent abdication of their traditional investigative role as the country’s Fourth Estate.

Here’s the audio:

A quick look at Sharyl Attkisson’s Twitter timeline shows she’s asking questions other journalists won’t ask:

Featured image via YouTube.


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Ned Flanders: “There are things we don’t want to know! Important things!”

“Embarrassed” is as great an understatement as ‘we should be concerned.’

How about a little intellectual honesty here: we should be FLIPPING OUT that our Fourth Estate has sold us and itself out, and cheaply.

Eric Holder is so dirty. Without any other reason, Occam’s Razor, best speculation is that the resignation has something to do with something that is going to come out. If he’s not the AG, it will be buried as non-news.

My guess is he really wants out. The buzz is his wife wants him to quit now.

And for the scandals still percolating, a new AG will have the built-in delaying excuses: I just got here, got to get up to speed, restarting the investigations from scratch. Those should drag everything out past 1/20/17.

Or, he could just stay, and tell the truth.

Okay, just kidding on the last one.

    Ragspierre in reply to Estragon. | September 28, 2014 at 8:09 am

    As with MoooOOOOoochelle, Mrs. Holder appears to be the MORE radical of the two Holders.

    AND a typical Collectivist hypocrite.

Sharyl Attkisson, like any other journalist needs to regular pay check. Those on the net may be dismayed by the lack of investigative journalism. But, if they want to see more of the same style of digging deep for a story, net citizens need to help these investigative journalists, in more ways than just moral support.