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@Salondotcom lives on in the heart of @Salon

@Salondotcom lives on in the heart of @Salon

The parody account @Salondotcom has been kicked off Twitter — but the real @Salon account is such a self-parody, it’s hard to tell if anything actually changed

@Salondotcom was a brilliant parody account mocking (@Salon), run by a couple of libertarian guys.

The parodies were pitch perfect, making it difficult to tell if it was the real thing, or not.

Apparently the parody account upset someone, because it has been kicked off Twitter.

I just pulled some recent tweets from the real @Salon account linking to stories at

Seriously, has anything changed?


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It’s the thin-skinned about whom you must most beware.

I’d like to know why @Salondotcom was booted. IP claims? Hope the fellows return in another guise, because parody is one of the best ways to slip past peoples’ bias filters and get them thinking.

Just more proof liberals have no sense of humor.

    TrooperJohnSmith in reply to elliesmom. | July 16, 2014 at 9:40 pm

    To them, it’s NOT funny, because Saul Alinsky said that ridicule is the most potent weapon.

    RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

    To The Left, nothing is really funny. It’s all business.

Anyone who bothers to read Salon in the last ten years is just too freaking stupid to tell if it were parody or serious.

Joan Walsh is so stupid she would be right at home in the Democratic Women’s Congressional Caucus, where all the dumbest women in America live.

    I loved it in the 90’s.

      Estragon in reply to edgeofthesandbox. | July 17, 2014 at 5:59 pm

      Ah, I remember the early ’90s, when the internet was young and innocent and I impressed everyone by being the first on my block with a 28.8K modem . . .

      Walsh joined Salon in the late 90s/early 00s. She is that rare person who gets progressively stupider as they age. Having read “early Joan,” I would have wagered it was impossible.

Not A Member of Any Organized Political | July 16, 2014 at 9:27 pm

Has anyone else seen anything on these topics – which obviously won’t be covered by leftest Salon? Hiccup!

White House bribing health insurance companies to keep rates down ahead of midterms
Written by Allen West on July 16, 2014


Voter ID Laws Have Caused Significant Drop In Democratic Party Registration In Florida

During the 13 months beginning July 1 the year before elections in 2004 and 2008, registered Democrats increased by an average of 209,425 voters. From 2011 to this year, that number was 11,365.

Not A Member of Any Organized Political | July 16, 2014 at 9:28 pm

Has anyone else seen anything on these topics – which obviously won’t be covered by leftest Salon? Hiccup!

White House bribing health insurance companies to keep rates down ahead of midterms
Written by Allen West on July 16, 2014

Voter ID Laws Have Caused Significant Drop In Democratic Party Registration In Florida

During the 13 months beginning July 1 the year before elections in 2004 and 2008, registered Democrats increased by an average of 209,425 voters. From 2011 to this year, that number was 11,365.

over at weaselzippers

TrooperJohnSmith | July 16, 2014 at 9:35 pm

What if a person is offended by people who are always offended? “Hey, can we have some victim-hood over here?”

Seriously (or not), it’s getting hard to parody the Left, because they have departed from the world of logic, common sense and decent conduct. At this rate, The Onion will be out of business, very soon.

There is another parody account – I followed before Joanie the Phony complains – @salondotmom – a real life Mom parodies Salon.