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The Constitution vs. Gender Studies Week at College Insurrection

The Constitution vs. Gender Studies Week at College Insurrection

Another week of political correctness and antics on college campuses.

Higher education could use more of this…

Speaking of the Constitution, remember freedom of religion?

And freedom of the press?

And freedom of speech?

Just be glad you don’t go to school here…

Hey, look! White privilege is still in the news…

Campus sex news is pretty much all bad news this week…

And now, the worst professor ever award…

Second place goes to…

Most inspiring student award goes to…

Second place goes to…

Honorable mention…

And now… climate change!!!

Things that shouldn’t be happening in America…

To trigger or not to trigger, that is the question.

Thanks for reading College Insurrection!

[Featured image via YouTube: Gender Studies and Body Politics Session 3 | The New School]


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