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Red Oregon?

Red Oregon?

Republican Monica Wehby slightly ahead in recent poll for U.S. Senate

A new poll conducted by the Daily Caller and Vox Populi shows Republican senate candidate Monica Wehby now has a slight edge over Democratic incumbent Jeff Merkley in Oregon.

Will Rahn reported…

WAVE YEAR? Daily Caller Poll Shows Deep-Blue Oregon Flashing Red

Oregon Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley is running neck-and-neck with Republican challenger Monica Wehby, according to a new Daily Caller/Vox Populi Polling survey of registered voters in the state.

Wehby, a Portland-based pediatric neurosurgeon, received the support of 40 percent of respondents, while an additional five percent say they are leaning towards supporting the first-time candidate. Merkley, who was elected to the Senate in 2008, garners the support of just 39 percent of respondents, with two percent saying they lean towards supporting him.

Fourteen percent of voters said they do not know whom they would support.

According to Vox Populi’s Brent Seaborn, the poll shows that “the Senate race in Oregon is very much in play for Republicans.”

The poll also indicates that a plurality of voters in the deep-blue state see Obamacare as a mostly failed venture. Forty-six percent of respondents said Obamacare and Cover Oregon, the state’s disastrously flawed health care exchange, were failures, while 17 percent said they were successes, and 37 percent said they were “somewhere in between.”

The failure of Oregon’s online Obamacare exchange combined with Monica Wehby’s powerful campaign ads have obviously had some impact on voters in the state.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Oregon Democrats will probably steal it if it is close.

But someone should be called to account for nearly $300 million in taxpayer money, federal and state, that just disappeared into creating a website that could not enroll a single person. Someone should go to jail.

And if no one does, then perhaps Merkley will pay the price for it. I hope so.

Whether a Tea-Party Republican is truly competitive in Oregon is yet to be seen. If she wins: AWESOME! If she doesn’t, at least the Democrats are defending Senate seats in Deep-Blue territory, rather than using the resources in more competitive areas of the country. Is she wins, then 2014 will be a wave election of Noah’s Ark magnitude! It’ll be a bloodbath.

She doesn’t have a prayer.

Far too many illegal immigrants and dead people will vote for Merkley, many of them at least twice.

I want my blue color back. When did the Left steel our blue color? Red is the color of left-wing regimes which inevitably feature tremendous bloodletting.

    Estragon in reply to n.n. | May 4, 2014 at 2:22 am

    Interesting point. When John Chancellor introduced the “big color map” in the 1976 election coverage, it was blue for Republicans and red for Democrats. NBC kept that formula for years, but the feature was copied by the next election by CBS and ABC, and also CNN when they came on board. But they didn’t all follow the same color scheme, perhaps to avoid being accused of stealing the idea (which they had, but still).

    Some switched the colors, and sometimes yellow was used instead of one or the other.

    By the late ’90s, Democrats began complaining about the red, associating them with the communists. They hadn’t done that while the Soviet Union was still around, but got sensitive later. In fact, the European papers and television had been using red for leftists and communists parties and blue for conservative or “royalist” parties for decades.

    The terms “red state” and “blue state” were first widely used in the 2000 election, and the colors have been etched in stone since.

Wow, she sure is a cutie. Am I just getting old or does our side have the best looking female candidates on earth?

Yet she just sat there when those smug reporters treated Mark Callahan like a water boy because he objected to one of the reporters writing down “blah, blah, blah” instead of pay attention while another candidate was answering their question.

“Willamette Week endorsed another candidate.” Was it you Monica?

    Kinnick in reply to betty. | May 4, 2014 at 3:28 am

    What did you want her to do? I agree Mark is right for calling a spade a spade. In a perfect world, all the candidates at that forum would have removed themselves along with Mark out of solidarity, or something similar, say like threatening to call the interview done and over unless the disrespectful reporter removed himself from the room. Mark Callahan was nearly as disrespectful as the reporter that wrote “blah, blah, blah,” because of his grandstanding, despite the fact that he was right.

    But in order to get elected, candidates for local, state, and national office have to work through the media that exists.

Yukio Ngaby | May 4, 2014 at 4:01 pm

Oregon is an interesting state, deeply divided between deep blue cities and deep red rural areas– not counting the coast.

The only way for Wehby to have a prayer is for many deep blue people frustrated with Merkley and Obama– mostly over ObamaCare– to sit out or vote third party. I don’t think too many people are going to switch up and suddenly start voting GOP, but if you have enough apathy– and there may be plenty in Portland, Salem and Eugene but there needs to be much more– there could be a chance for an upset.

Realistically, I think that Kinnick has it right. If Wehbly forces the Dems to spend some real money on Merkley’s safe seat, then that’s a pretty reasonable victory overall.

I live in Oregon. Oregon is fed up to the brim with the colossal failure of Covered Oregon, and the idiocy of Kitzhaber. People who wouldn’t normally give the time of day to republicans have woken up to the incompetence of the current administration in all levels of government.

I’ve always said, that if it weren’t for Portland and Eugene (and perhaps Ashland), that Oregon would be a red state.

    Archer in reply to Paul. | May 5, 2014 at 6:05 pm

    Oregonian here, too. I’m hoping (against hope, probably) that the fact that Monica Wehby is from the Portland area will lend itself to that area being slightly more supportive of her.

    Oregon is called a “deep blue” state, but IIRC a lot of our recent state-wide elections were much closer than the Democrat party wants to admit. A couple percentage points either way could make or break a campaign for either party.