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Presumed Guilty Week at College Insurrection

Presumed Guilty Week at College Insurrection

Another week of college antics, political correctness and general lunacy in the place we call “Higher Education”

Presumed Guilty:

(face palm)

(just palm)

Training grounds of the nanny state:

Now this should have an impact:

Has Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Inc. failed?

The new feminism protects the fragile sensitivities of women, oh wait, wasn’t that the old chauvinism?

Hit rock bottom:

Unelected and undocumented:

I’ve often wondered how long it would take Cornell to come looking for me if I stopped showing up at work:

Redistribute college endowments:

Math majors did it (Featured Image above):

I check my mail every day, but still nothing:

What a drag:

The Affordable Care Act (oops, that’s already taken):


Dead Heat – Aleister and Leslie tie for Blog Post Title of the Week:

Special Legal Insurrection “Canada Gone Wild” section:


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Australian video offers gore-filled warning about skipping school

Damn, the Aussies a bit blunt, eh?

Obama kicking the door is iconic. I’ll need sensitvity training (a neck massage) after laughing my head (almost) off.