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Everything is a whole lot worse now

Everything is a whole lot worse now

Voting for Obama “despite everything” was enough to get him through 2012.

Spotted in Ithaca at the Wegmans shopping center.


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That person must be a deeply committed Communist to see the havoc Obama’s policies are creating and still have a “DESPITE EVERYTHING…” Obama bumper sticker. Either that or the person could qualify as an absolute moron, which is a great disservice to morons everywhere.

With as straight a face as I can muster, where is the hope in such a statement? That is what he said was his mission, right? To bring hope to a huge swath of disappointed and dejected population, right?

I get the message of: reward failure. Are there that many completely stupid voters out there? I suspect this might be an effort at deep sarcasm. If not, we might have to go back to tribal enclaves simply for self-defense from the ignorant hordes.

[…] grief, this bumper sticker was spotted in Ithaca, NY. We’ve gone from low info voters to suicidal […]