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Santorum to Cuccinelli’s rescue?

Santorum to Cuccinelli’s rescue?

With less than two weeks to go before the Virginia gubernatorial election, candidates Terry McAuliffe and Ken Cuccinelli (aka Sauron and SpongeBob Squarepants) are each receiving campaign support from some pretty well-known political figures.

On Saturday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton offered a “rousing endorsement” to an audience in Falls Church, Virginia for Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe. (Whom some in Virginia have branded “Terry McAwful”)

This week, former President Bill Clinton is set to join McAuliffe at five different campaign events in Virginia.

Meanwhile, Rick Santorum is on team Cuccinelli. His PAC,  Patriot Voices, is calling for volunteers to “Join our Strikeforce and help Ken Cuccinelli become the next Governor of Virginia!”

On Saturday, Santorum tweeted:

Cuccinelli will certainly need all of the help he can get from these volunteers. According to the latest polling data, McAuliffe now leads Cuccinelli by seventeen points. For comparison, back when I initially analyzed the VA gubernatorial situation in mid-September, McAuliffe was only six points ahead.

This large jump in point lead for McAuliffe  may have something to do with the recent federal government shutdown, for which Republicans are being blamed. The shutdown hit Virginia harder than any other state, and resulted in numerous residents of Northern Virginia being furloughed, reports the Richmond Times Dispatch.


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Cucinell. Should’ve listened to Sarah Palin. Then, he would not have hired useless Beltway strategists, would have taken TP assistance, could’ve called The Guv herself in and Ted Cruz, would’ve had the grassroots working like a dog for him. He hired the usual suspects who brushed off the TP thus alienating the grassroots, brought in nobody who could help him get the ‘roots going, and now he’s trailing a Democrat crook whom he might have to indict eventually.

It will require an act of God for my home staters to come out for him since his victory would validate the beltway anti-TP approach to elections.

    This has been a dismal race and it will be a dismal election. I laughed when even the Times Disgrace didn’t endorse anyone.

    TugboatPhil in reply to Juba Doobai!. | October 23, 2013 at 8:48 am

    I’ll be voting for him in SW Virginia but I couldn’t agree with you more about the campaign. I expected a lot better. The GOP needs to realize that their most dependable voters don’t really consider the GOP their home anymore.

    Is that right? He rebuffed the Tea Party and Palin? What a shame. I thought he was tougher and smarter than that. I’d been watching him for a few years before this and had been impressed.

    This is bad…

    And it is not coming from some hack outfit. Data is data and it is clear Northern Virginia suburbs want to be more like Maryland and the District of Columbia and less like Virginia.

      Juba Doobai! in reply to EBL. | October 23, 2013 at 11:35 am

      NVA you’re looking at gubmint workers. They love that public trough.

        TrooperJohnSmith in reply to Juba Doobai!. | October 23, 2013 at 12:04 pm

        Manager to essential Bureaucrats during government shutdown:

        “Until this thing is over, we all have to work on Thursdays! Any questions?”

        “Uh… every Thursday?”

    Too many Virginians suck at the government tit, which may sound awful – but it’s better than just saying too many Virginian suck.

As a former resident, I’m sick at what has become of the once-great Commonwealth of Virginia. It started with Mark Warner, then Tim Kaine, both of whom are now Senators, and now almost certainly one of the “Clintonistas” will sail into the governorship, courtesy of the Northern VA loons. Watch out, Virginians, for your Second Amendment Rights! Virginia is rapidly becoming “Maryland South”, and that’s no compliment. Thank God I’m now in Flyover Country.


    healthguyfsu in reply to dhmosquito. | October 23, 2013 at 9:34 am

    McDonald did a great job here economically. This should be a walk-in for his successor but our northern libtard friends will ruin that.

    The most stunning turncoat to me was REPUBLICAN mayor Will Sessoms of VA BEACH (he is somewhat RINO). Sessoms is on a campaign ad endorsing McAuliffe for governor!

    They will take my guns from my cold dead fingers.

    Juba Doobai! in reply to dhmosquito. | October 23, 2013 at 11:37 am

    Cold dead fingers, man, cold dead fingers.

Iam A. Patriot | October 23, 2013 at 10:39 am

I’m a resident of SW Virginia. We lost our great state to Dear Leader last November – he got 50.8% of the vote. If you look at a county-by-county map of the vote, he won the state by virtue of the greater Richmond/Norfolk peeps, with a little icing on the top applied by the folks up in Roanoke.

The following was snipped from an e-mail I got from the VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League, yesterday:


VA-ALERT: Bloomberg gives McAuliffe 1.1 million for gun-control agenda in Virginia!

Michael Bloomberg’s pro-gun-control super PAC will drop $1.1 million on ads for Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the final two weeks of the Virginia governor’s race.

The billionaire New York City mayor’s money will be siphoned through Independence USA PAC into broadcast television commercials in the D.C. market, according to two sources tracking the air war.

McAuliffe has courted and wooed Bloomberg, privately seeking his support on a trip to New York City Hall in August.

Bloomberg, who bills himself as an independent, has spent more than $15 million on various gun control initiatives. He just spent $1 million helping elect Newark Mayor Cory Booker to a U.S. Senate seat in last Wednesday’s New Jersey special election to replace the late Frank Lautenberg, long a champion of gun control measures.

McAuliffe is unapologetic about his support for stricter gun laws, including an assault weapons ban, universal background checks, limiting the size of magazines and preventing people from buying more than one gun a month. He would unquestionably be a close Bloomberg ally should he win.

The campaign of Republican Ken Cuccinelli, who supports a focus on mental health to reduce gun violence, slammed the ads as out-of-state interference.

“Terry McAuliffe and his allies are spending tens of millions of dollars in an attempt to buy Virginia’s governor’s mansion and impose an idealogical agenda that will severely restrict Virginian’s Second Amendment rights, hike energy prices for Virginia families and undermine our right-to-work laws,” said Cuccinelli communications director Richard T. Cullen.

Cuccinelli is trailing in the polls, partly because he is getting so massively outspent on television. Groups like Planned Parenthood, the National Education Association and billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer have poured in millions.


Virginia must be a VERY important piece of the fundamental transformation puzzle…


If Virginia falls to the democrats, Virginians will get the government that they voted for, just like us!

I guess that the dumbing down process is catching on nationwide..

    healthguyfsu in reply to GrumpyOne. | October 23, 2013 at 11:15 am

    Easy friend. This is a very evenly divided state for many reasons. One is historical…it’s right along the Mason-Dixon line. The other is its proximity to DC. When the libs are heavily in federal power, Virginia turns slightly blue. When the right people are in federal power, Virginia is as red as the rest. We, the long-time and proud residents, won’t get the government we voted for. The move-ins will hijack our system and give us a government we do not want. All the Novas will be as happy as a clam (in Boston).

    Iam A. Patriot in reply to GrumpyOne. | October 23, 2013 at 11:25 am

    From a presidential standpoint, we have already fallen for the democrats. If McAwful is elected, our transformation will be complete.

    Interestingly, and this is taking place nationwide, it’s the folks in the major urban areas who are tipping the scales. Referencing the county-by-county map I mentioned above again, the vast majority of our state voted Republican last November. The urban areas, however, had more mass, for lack of a better term, and give Dear Leader the win.

    I assume it’ll work the same way for McAwful, especially now that he’s got the New York Nanny, Shrill AND Slick pushing him towards the finish line.

    Here’s a link to the vote map I’ve been referencing. It’ll take you to a state-by-state map of the presidential vote breakdown, but where it gets REALLY interesting is clicking on the maps on the left side of the page and breaking down the vote, not only county-by-county, but also the Republican vs Democrat voting trend last November (favoring R’s by a HUGE margin):

    Pay particular attention to the “Size of lead” map; it’s the urban areas that are transforming this country.

    And, IMO, it’s Virginia’s urban areas that will drive the final nail in my state’s coffin in a couple of weeks. Us folks in the country, just like country folks nationwide, are still very much conservative. We just don’t “weigh” as much as the urban-ites anymore…

TrooperJohnSmith | October 23, 2013 at 12:01 pm

Overheard on initial approach into DCA the other day:

Pilot: “Hey, I think we just saw Hillary Clinton.”

ATC: “Say again? How can you tell?”

Pilot: “Wasn’t that was her broom lining up to land at Andrews?”

“This large jump in point lead for McAuliffe may have something to do with the recent federal government shutdown, for which Republicans are being blamed. ”


The large jump has to do with the Failed Operatives Cuccinelli has chosen to associate himself with from the beginning. DC hacks who are losers. He has gone Full Establishment with his consultant class.

With predictable results.

Exit questions:

1. When will donors stop giving to these incompetent consultants?

2. When will candidates stop hiring these incompetent consultants?

Seriously, would you hire a contractor to replace your roof who had done your neighbor’s roof – and left it full of leaks? So why would you hire consultants who do nothing but lose … and collect your money while doing so?