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Oh, baby

Oh, baby

From Amy:

I spied this car’s stickers driving down Smoky Hill Rd. in “purple” Aurora, CO.

Bumper Sticker - Aurora CO - Waah


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Uncle Samuel | May 31, 2013 at 7:48 am

The Bushes are part of the problem. The Bush-ites (Boehner, Romney, Graham, et al) are what’s wrong with the GOP.

The Bush types are closet socialists, going back to the 1930s when Grandpappy Prescott and a group tried to forcibly throw out FDR and

    Uncle Samuel in reply to Uncle Samuel. | May 31, 2013 at 7:54 am

    (cont’d) and establish a Nazi government in the USA. FDR made a deal with them after the plot was exposed and the New Deal was born. FDR also made dirty deals with Stalin that cost millions of people their lives.

    Someone posted this interview in the Tip Line that is well worth the time and will banish any illusions of virtue and integrity in our high offices:

    There is a link there to the second part of the interview on Benghazi and Islam.

    Democrats are bad, but as Ted Cruz said, “I don’t trust Republicans.”

    janitor in reply to Uncle Samuel. | May 31, 2013 at 9:47 am

    There’s an argument to be made that it’s at least partly Bush Junior’s fault that Obama got elected in the first place.

Both Bush’s were weak presidents.

Hell, Bush II did not veto one single bill from the then turned spendthrift congress during his first term.

But the most unforgivable non-act was failure to pardon those two immigration agents AND Scooter Libby!

That is a sticker I would like to buy.