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Maryland school offers counseling for students troubled by “pastry gun” incident

Maryland school offers counseling for students troubled by “pastry gun” incident

Can we just officially declare the anti-gun hysteria to have reached the point of insanity?

We’re punishing 7-year olds for biting pastry into the shape of a gun?

These school officials have lost their minds, 7-year-old suspended for alleged ‘pastry gun’:

But WAIT, it gets worse:

UPDATE II: School Offers Counseling for Students Troubled by Pastry-Gun Incident:

“If your children express that they are troubled by today’s incident, please talk with them and help them share their feelings. Our school counselor is available to meet with any students who have the need to do so next week. In general, please remind them of the importance of making good choices.”

In addition to the anti-gun hysteria, I think this is just another part of the education system’s “war against boys.


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