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First time shame on you, second time shame on you

First time shame on you, second time shame on you

Kind of makes me want to smack the vehicle owner upside the head and scream, “snap out of it.”

From Linda in Tennessee, taken at the Whole Foods parking lot in Nashville:


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Professor Jacobson, I would not slap that vehicle’s owner, were I you.

It’s a Toyota Echo, driven since at least 2008.

Obviously the owner is a dedicated masochist and WANTS to be punished!

I love that the vehicle is named “Echo”.

    logos in reply to iambasic. | January 7, 2012 at 9:56 am

    Though it was staring me in the face, I did not connect the dots you did. It’s even funnier when the Echo connection is made.

Kudos to Linda for finding such great bumper stickers!

Whole Foods…go figure!

As a Tennessean I want you all to know that I personally haven’t seen an Obama sticker here in months. Of course if you are going to see them you’ll either see them in Nashville or that third world city Memphis. Every other inch of this state is red, Repub legistature, governor, both US senators and 7 out of our 9 congressmen. You can guess where the two democrats represent, it’s easy.

Hard to believe this person shops at Whole Foods when the president of the company thinks Obama’s health care plan is destructive to the economy.

Henry Hawkins | January 7, 2012 at 4:49 pm

Aw, c’mon.. have you all forgotten your mythology? This two-time Obama supporter drives an Echo, from Greek myth, the mountain nymph in love with her own voice? Annnnnnd, she was the main squeeze of no less than Narcissus, known in modern times by the name Barack Hussein Obama.

[…] You Are the Hopeless Change We’ve Been Stuck With Posted on January 7, 2012 3:30 pm by Bill Quick » First time shame on you, second time shame on you – Le·gal In·sur&middot… […]