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Eugene Robinson clarifies criticism of Santorum

Eugene Robinson clarifies criticism of Santorum

This is an update to yesterday’s post.  Eugene Robinson kinda, sorta, apologized, but not exactly (h/t @jtLOL):


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All I could think about while watching that was,

He’s a Pulitzer Prize winner? Really? I’ve never been impressed with his writing … and as a professional wordsmith who knows beforehand he’ll be asked about this … that’s the most articulate he can be?

Pulitzer Prize winner? Really?

Like Obama is a Nobel Peace Prize winner?

The Santorums recognize the sanctity of life and its inherent dignity. They recognize that the corporeal form is the tangible connection to their recently departed child. So, they mourned with the lifeless body in order to make their loss concrete.

Robinson does not get it. It is his kind of thought process which can rationalize denigrating individual dignity and devaluing human life. It is his kind that is capable of normalizing progressive involuntary exploitation and constrained liberty in order to marginalize or eviscerate competing interests. He is the manifest sample of historical oppression. There is a reason why his kind are predisposed to simultaneous extremes, both negative and positive.

If we are ever disposable, then we are always disposable.

This whole thing tends to give whats-his-name much more recognition than he deserves.

At least Eugene Robinson had the good sense to be embarrassed. That’s the nicest thing I can say about this incident.

Good for Scarborough for bringing this up along with the details that the child had lived for a few hours and what grief counselors advise. Robinson may have been “educated” about expert opinion, but he clearly doesn’t understand issues about showing respect, let alone sympahty, for other people’s losses and grief. A sad self-commentary by Robinson.

I bet Robinson wouldn’t have said a word if Ted Kennedy had taken Mary Jo’s body home while he was sobering up.

Cassandra Lite | January 6, 2012 at 7:24 pm

Would it have killed him to just come out and say he’s sorry? I guess so, because he looked like he was sitting on a hot coal.

What a bumbling buffoon. Eugene certainly was far more…
focused in calling Santorum “really weird”.

What really has Robinson off base is the acknowledgement that there is a huge swath of America that doesn’t abide by his O-So-Vaulted-Correct-Thinking-Better-Than-Most-Everyone-Else-Intellect. It is, in fact, a continuing replay of something that these smartypants of the left never seem to realize.

It is not that we haven’t heard or did not understand your arguments, we have and did. After thoughtful consideration, we just reject them.

It floors me when talking with my leftie friends and family when they say their primary objection to Republicans is they despise what they see as legislated morality. And yet, they refuse to acknowledge that the left has been legislating morality since Woodrow Wilson.

What I find shocking is not that Robinson said it, but that anyone pays enough attention to the hack to find out.

The Pulitzer committee slit its own wrist with the WaPo’s Janet Cooke back in the day, with Robinson they drove a stake through the heart of their credibility.

I want him to explain what it has to do with Santorum’s “extreme views.” Or does common decency apply only to people who agree with Eugene Robinson?

By the way, thanks for not pretending I endorsed him by quoting him. 😉

Hate to show my stupidity but who is this Robinson and why should I care what he thinks?