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Saturday Night Card Game (Glenn Beck plays race card on Newt, and me, and you)

Saturday Night Card Game (Glenn Beck plays race card on Newt, and me, and you)

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:

Glenn Beck doesn’t like Newt.  That didn’t keep Newt from appearing on Beck’s radio show and taking the hard questions.

Beck tried to force Newt into a “Teddy Roosevelt / progressive” box, but Newt was having none of it, schooling Beck on history and Newt’s own views.

I noted at the time that Newt got the best of Beck, and now Beck is lashing out by again trying to pigeonhole Newt as a “progressive.” If that were all there were to it, I wouldn’t be doing this post.

Regrettably,Beck went a step further and said that anyone who votes for Newt over Obama is doing so on the basis of race:

“If you have a big government progressive, or a big government progressive in Obama… ask yourself this, Tea Party: is it about Obama’s race? Because that’s what it appears to be to me. If you’re against him but you’re for this guy, it must be about race. I mean, what else is it? It’s the policies that matter.”

I originally titled this post “Glenn Beck plays the race card on Newt.” But that was a mistake.

Beck played the race card not only on Newt, but on me, and on you. How dare he say that my choice of Newt over Obama is a racial decision. Beck calls Newt a “progressive,” but Beck is a race card player, and unlike his accusations that Newt is a progressive, the title fits.

Right Scoop, which does not support Newt, reacts as I do:

I know Newt has his problems which is why he isn’t my primary candidate. And if you don’t support him in the primaries I totally understand. But to say he’s exactly like Obama, and on top of that, to say that a Tea Party member is racist for supporting Newt over Obama, that is absolutely absurd and in my opinion enough for me to discontinue watching Beck in any format, forever.


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