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Tea Party Kippot!

Tea Party Kippot!

Found the following at a local judaica shop called “The Mitzvah Store”:



This was the same shop I bought this at in ’08 (I kinda wore it out):

It did not appear that they were selling Obama kippot at that time.  Maybe that’s not a mitzvah.


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Subotai Bahadur | September 21, 2011 at 9:44 pm

If a TEA Party Kippah [I think I have the word for the skullcap right.] interests you, the following modification for a flag, T-Shirt, or bumper sticker to make liberal heads explode may also interest you.

Subotai Bahadur

    Matthew Knee in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | September 21, 2011 at 10:02 pm

    Kippah is indeed the singular spelling. Kippot is plural. They are also called Yarmulke’s, usually pronounced “Yamakah.” The former word is Hebrew, the latter is Yiddish. I usually say “Yamakah,” but I write Kippah because the pronunciation of the latter has developed to sound nothing like the canonical English spelling, and as such I can’t bring myself to write it.

BannedbytheGuardian | September 21, 2011 at 10:47 pm

Haha – must be The most stupidest sentence on the net today & it’s mine.;(

Heh. Nothing goes with tallit and t’fillin quite like an NRA or JPFO pin. Heck, make that a concealed PPK.

: ]