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The 500

The 500

Late this afternoon, the 500th person registered with this blog just two weeks after registration opened.

Thanks for signing on.

If only they had had our 500, who knows:

Update:  In response to some reader questions, registering has nothing to do with WordPress.  If you have a WordPress username and password, you will need to recreate it here.   Once you register for the username, you will get a really long and strange password sent to you by email.  If you want to use a password you can remember, just log in and change the password.

Register here.


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Hey,hey,, good for you, Professor!, God love the USA and freedom of speech!

Doug Wright | July 3, 2011 at 7:03 pm

Ah, take that honor of the 500th signup and with $.52, you can buy a cup of senior coffee at McDonalds if you’re 55 or older! Enjoy!

Doug Wright | July 3, 2011 at 7:04 pm


“This is Le*gal In*sur*rec*tion”

That’s excellent! Congratulations!

What with the price of tuition at law schools today, it is really nice to have the professor working here for free!

Minorcan Maven | July 3, 2011 at 8:05 pm

So true!! Everyone I know loves that movie & I keep meaning to see it. Maybe I’ll check it out tomorrow. Happy Independence Day, everyone!!


DDsModernLife | July 3, 2011 at 8:46 pm

Congrats on 0.5k registrants, of which I’m pleased to be one. Keep us the great work!

DDsModernLife | July 3, 2011 at 8:47 pm

Oops! “Keep UP”, not “Keep us”. PIMF

Happy to be here 🙂

Thanks for the reminder.. I always meant to do that. Now it’s MORE than 500.

If those 500 were votes for a democrat in Seattle, they would count for 25,000.

300 sucked. there, i said it.

I know some people might get upset at all the violence, so here’s the PG version of the 300 trailer.

BannedbytheGuardian | July 4, 2011 at 5:29 am

Good evening all. I have been reading this blog for a few months & love it. I used to read Arena on Politico & was taken back by all the other academics posting.

Prof has restored my faith in legal academia even if he is at the cow part of Cornell.

As my moniker says I have worn out my welcome at The Guardian. I hope to be well behaved here -i tried over there but could not navigate the insane hatred.

BTW I am not American – but have an intense interest . at university I ‘studied’ communism & only in late 2007 did I decide to really look at america.

It has been my main hobby since then .

Thank you Prof for your site & well considered statements. I think those things but ou say it so well.

make that 501

I finally took the leap.

I’ve been reading this blog since the beginning. What’s not to love? Honest, forthright, plain spoken, intelligent, humorous, and CORRECT!

Now, if I can just figure out how to get my user-image up…

ConserveLiberty | July 4, 2011 at 9:58 am

So that’s how it works!

fulldroolcup | July 4, 2011 at 12:22 pm

Since I registered late yesterday afternoon(Professor Jacobson: Please don’t disabuse me if I’m wrong!), I will consider myself the lucky 500th and celebrate with a nice bottle of beer on the 4th.

RUN for President!!!!!!!!

Hooray! Think I’m in that list.