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Apparently, You Do / Update – No You Don’t

Apparently, You Do / Update – No You Don’t

Thanks to reader Sarah who spotted this odd combination in Green Bay, WI:

Update:  Thanks to MaggotAtBroad&Wall; for pointing out in the comments that if you enlarge the image to 400% it all makes sense, as the wording below “Obama” comes into focus:

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I can't tell you how many times I looked at this picture and couldn't see what you do in that bumper sticker. Then I finally saw the other Won. 🙂

It's not such an odd combination. I had to blow the photo up 400% to see it, but the Obama sticker has the words "impeach him" under Obama.

Ah, Maggot, that explains it. I was wondering if it was a "mixed" marriage 🙂

Too, too subtle. Anything taking more than 1.2 seconds to comprehend is wasted effort. IMO

The hammer and sickle is a nice touch. But the whole sticker is way too subtle and small for a car.