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I’m Always Surprised

I’m Always Surprised

when someone outside of my narrow sphere of influence takes note of something on this blog in other than a childish way.

The Providence Phoenix, a left-leaning local paper (does anyone know of a “Phoenix” paper anywhere which is not left-leaning?) ran a column titled, PolitiFact Faces Its Conservative Critics, quoting extensively from my post PolitiFact Has A Serious Problem, But I Repeat Myself regarding anti-conservative bias in The Providence Journal’s PolitiFact analyses.

I learned of The Phoenix article through the daily newsletter of Jim Hummel, a top Rhode Island investigative reporter who now publishes The Hummel Report, a must read for anyone who wants to know what really is going on in Rhode Island.

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Why are you surprised? MMFA thinks you are effective – and put out an attack APB on you.

You are telling the truth. People are reading – and learning – the truth. Thus, you must be Alinsky-ized.

Kudos for being the best legal blogger on the net!!

Does anyone really care what's going on in Rhode Island? Even our host throws up his hands in disgust at times.

I think Politifact's bias is so subtle that more people don't see it. Which isn't all that difficult considering most college grads can't "sift fact from opinion, make a clear written argument or objectively review conflicting reports of a situation or event" according Richard Arum.

I wrote a short post on politifact bias the other day.