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Mass Dems Play The Strip-Search Card

Mass Dems Play The Strip-Search Card

What is it with Massachusetts Democrats?

During the Scott Brown – Martha Coakley election, the Massachusetts Democratic Party played the rape card on Brown, circulating a mass mailing claiming Brown wanted rape victims turned away from hospitals.

Now they are attempting to capitalize on allegations related to a police strip search in 1991 to use against Republican candidate Jeffrey Perry, who is ahead in polls for the open seat formerly held by William Delahunt in MA-10.  (Perry is on my Top 10 List.)

The story, splashed all over the pages of The Boston Globe, recounts how in 1991, when Perry was a police seargent, he was in the vicinity of an incident in which someone under his command improperly strip-searched a 14-year-old female suspect, who never was charged with any crime.  There has been confusion as to whether Perry could have stopped the strip search, but Perry never was charged with any wrongdoing.

The victim, according to the Globe, has come forward on her own, but the almost 20 year old incident is being used by Perry’s Democratic opponent, according to The Globe:

The case has become a political liability for Perry and has featured prominently in attack ads by his Democratic opponent, Norfolk District Attorney William R. Keating.

Expect more of this in these last two weeks across the country.

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I especially appreciate the deviousness of the slight reference, IMHO, to "The Lovely Bones" creepiness, of the little girl looking backwards, so innocent and unsuspecting, so insidiously how they just suck us in to thinking Jeff Perry is the worst kind of human being alive.

Yup, and since it's such a stomach turner I know it came from my thoughtful friends looking out for me and my family here in Massachusetts, the L/P/S Democrats.

Thanks to them I also know if they say No to Question 1, 2, and 3 on the ballot. I know to vote Yes, Yes, and Yes on November 2.